"Good morning. I'm Helen Lewis with Action Seven News. We are pre-empting our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this live report. I'm here on the campus of Cypress State Community College where yet another kidnapping has just taken place here just twenty minutes ago.

Twenty-two year old Gloria Cohen was abducted right here, in front of this vending machine by the elusive B.O.D. Kidnapper According to eyewitnesses, Gloria, who is a psychology major here at the college, left one of her classes. Her schoolmates say that she stops here every day to purchase a candy bar and a soda. One moment everything is fine, and then the next moment, Gloria is heard screaming while being snatched away by a large man wearing a blue ski mask. This man grabbed Gloria, tossed her into a blue Ford van and took off down Charleston Street.

Members of the Cypress State basketball team chased after the van, but to no avail, as the vehicle sped away down the road. Gloria's abduction makes this the sixteenth kidnapping by the same individual. We got a chance to speak with some of Gloria's classmates. Sir, can you tell us just what took place here?"

"I don't know...it all happened so fast. One second, Gloria was by the vending machine, then you turn your head for one moment, and she's gone. Just like that. Where are the police when something like this happens? What are our parents paying takes for when the cops aren't even around to protect people?"

"Okay, obviously a very distraught young man, indeed. Ma'am, were you able to describe the individual that snatched Gloria away."

"He was wearing a blue ski mask and black gloves! He just picked her up like a baby and threw her into the van! He was tall! I don't know, maybe six-foot four or five! I can't believe this is happening! Gloria is such a nice person! Who would do such a thing?"

"Well, as you can see, tensions are high here at Cypress State. We will keep you apprised of this tragic situation as it unfolds. For Action Seven News, I'm Helen Lewis. We now send you back to The Jokers Wild."


Isaac Mercer. Six foot. Dark brown skin. Low cut hair; a pair of brown jeans, and amber eyes that shined like shards of crystal in the dark.

One by one, Isaac neatly placed articles of clothing into his blue suitcase while listening to the disorderly commotion outside his room.They were the white noises that he would be taking home with him. Sounds of disturbed patients screaming and moaning for no apparent reason other than the want of attention.

From his room he could smell the cafeteria preparing lunch for the day; macaroni and cheese, tapioca, and his favorite, beef stew.

As he placed his last pair of Fruit of the Loom underwear into the suitcase, Isaac paused and glanced over at the picture of his mother that was sitting on the nightstand next to his made bed. He reached over, picked up the frame and glared deeply into the woman's smiling face.

Almost instantly, Isaac himself began to smirk as though she would be waiting for him the moment he walked out of the building.

Gently, Isaac packed the frame into his suitcase before reaching over and taking the photo of his longtime girlfriend and young son. His body could hardly contain itself from the overwhelming feeling it had in knowing that in only an hour's time he would be seeing them once again.

Isaac couldn't count how many times he had masturbated to his lady's image before falling asleep at night, or just the thought of holding his little boy in his arms as though he were a newborn all over again. It all made his body jitter with unbridled elation.

"Hey, man." A muscular, bearded black man came into Isaac's room with a brown paper bag in hand.

"Hey, what's up?" Isaac smiled as he gave the man their daily, five point "ghetto" hand shake.

"Not much, just thought I'd stop by and give you this before you left." The orderly remarked as he handed Isaac the bag.Isaac took the bag and reached inside to find a carton of oatmeal cream pies.

He snickered and said, "Thanks, brother. I'm gonna need these for that long trip home."

"I sure as hell ain't gonna miss sneaking those things to you at two in the morning!" The orderly laughed out loud.

"I hear you, man!" Isaac laughed back. "Listen, I really appreciate everything you've done for me since I was here."

"That's my job, my man." He shrugged. "You just make sure you take care of that woman and son of yours."

"Will do," Isaac said as he slapped hands with the man once again. "You gonna come and meet my dad before we leave out?"

I gotta go clean Mr. Reynolds' bed." The orderly sighed. "You know how that dude can get after he eats cornbread. But you state

the same." Isaac grinned as he watched the man exit the bedroom, leaving the door

himself suddenly paralyzed by his own reflection in the mirror that was mounted on the closet door. He couldn't explain why

and stared deeply into his own strange looking eyes, the same eyes he had been carrying with him since last November. He then took

for the next patient's arrival.The odor or feces began to whisper into Isaac's room like the air was carrying it straight to him personally. He shut

called out as both he and Doctor Levin rounded the corner. "I see you are

"I sure am." Isaac humbly and bashfully grinned."Before you leave I would like for you to meet Doctor Jeremiah Levin.

"How are you, Isaac?" Levin greeted with a smile and

good." Isaac

office in Ligon in a few days. Anything

"Okay." Isaac simply replied."I am very proud of you, young man." Sanyupta beamed. "You're recovery here has been nothing short of

the heavy weight of


as he shook Isaac's hand once more before following in

men turned down a noisy corridor full of the boisterous sounds of men and women groaning and crying for

ocean as the rackets increased with every room that he passed by. Isaac twisted the knob, pushed open the door and

harmonies of Glen Miller's, 'Moon Love'

At the front desk stood a late fiftyish, portly black man who was writing on a notebook pad. Instantly, the man looked up and noticed Isaac standing at

that he was using, and without saying a word, the large gentleman grabbed Isaac into his arms and hugged the life out of him."How are you,

to the floor, straightened his white undershirt and stepped back to examine his father from afar. "Uh, oh, looks like you've been losin' some

Isaac's father waved his right hand and said, "Cut that mess out, boy. Any weight I've lost is in my head. C'mon and let's go home." The man chuckled while handing Isaac a grey winter coat.Isaac put on the coat, picked up his suitcase and followed in behind


won't catch your death out here." Father replied,

of Ashlandview his entire body surged with shocking electricity. It was well below

the aroma of a cold winter breeze that would have any other person running

short. Over the time he was there the young

Dissimilar from his father, Isaac wasn't much of a praying man, but he made sure to thank God every day

of ice and snow on their way to a brown, 1972 Ford Pinto that was parked next to a large,

"I thought you were gonna get a brand new car, dad." Isaac mentioned as he climbed in on the

trying to recover from all that Christmas shopping I did. How do you expect me to get

"I figured God would make a way for you." Isaac offhandedly jibed."You know better than to test the Lord," Isaac's father rebuked before cutting on the rickety ignition

lot of questions to ask, notably inquiries about his condition. Isaac wasn't looking forward to

last month?"

"Yes, sir, Oakland sure put a whoopin' on those Vikings." Isaac smiled. Minnesota ain't never gonna win a title. Everybody up

does he need money for? He's


see." Isaac's father relented while worriedly glancing over at his son's face. "Did they ever find out

of the side of his mouth, "Uh, Doctor Sanyupta said that it may have something to do with

eye color just up and changing overnight like yours did.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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