Chapter 179
Seeing that Taya remained silent, Griffon’s anger gradually shifted into disappointment.
This woman was really something.

He felt ridi culous and stu pid thinking of what he had done. He’d searched for her, thought of her, orchestrated reasons to see her…for what?
As if he had suddenly woken up, he let go of her.
She stumbled backward, trying to regain her balance after he shoved her away.

“From now on, I won’t come to you again.”
After saying that, he left.
I was so shocked, I couldn’t move. I just stood there and watched Griffon’s back as he walked to the door.
Something deep inside, some sort of divine intuition from the goddess told me after he closed the door behind him, there was no going back, that he would keep his vow.
I don’t know where my courage came from, but I rushed

I begged him. “I’m- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you

has nothing to do with me,” Griffon interrupted me. “I only came to you because I can’t stand being deceived. Now that I know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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