Chapter 204
He’d brought home a lot of presents for his family, and while Harper had wanted to see Taya as soon as they got back, he wanted to go see his family.
“Why didn’t you go straight to his pack lands with him?”

Harper shrugged. “He said that the environment at his parents’ house was bad, and he told me not to come with him.”

But Harper didn’t care about whatever was happening at his parents’ house. Growing up in an orphanage had exposed her to plenty of different things; she had a thick skin.
Taya glanced at Harper. “You’ve never been to his parents’ before, have you?”
“Nope. Originally, I planned to visit his parents on their pack lands before getting married. But before I could go, his parents came to Arcadia to see me.”

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When Damian heard that Harper wanted to return to his pack lands with him-not the pack houses in Arcadia they had, but the farther-away lands-he tried his best to stop her. Even his parents tried to dissuade her. They said the rural environment was poor and feared that Harper would not be used to living there.
Taya was worried that Damian and his pack might be hiding something, but Harper felt they respected her and worried that she wouldn’t like their pack lands because they were so different than that city. They worried it might affect her relationship with Damian.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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