Chapter 66

In the end, she decided to head to the hospital. It was around 11 PM, with hardly any traffic on the road. Allison hit the gas, speeding towards the nearest hospital as fast and smoothly as she could

After parking, she walked to the back door of the car, opened it and said, “Mr. Lindberg, we’re at the hospital. Let me help you out”

“I told you I wanted to go back to Juniper Ridge

He pushed her away, a bit irritably Allison didn’t expect that even though he was feeling unwell, he still insisted on going home.

She helped him out of the car. He was weak from the intense stomach pain Allison closed the car door and resolutely helped him towards the hospital.

A nurse immediately brought a stretcher. He was taken to the emergency center

The doctor frowned, “Why has he drunk so much?”

“Doctor, how is he?”

has acute gastritis. Let’s get him on an IV.

the nurse took him to a room, Allison went downstairs with Lucian’s wallet to pay. She took out the money

picture showed four people.

the picture. He was wearing a white shirt, had

an acute gastritis attack. After getting an IV, he

sweat. He was in pain, but he didn’t make a sound.

out a tissue, and wiped his face. As her fingertips brushed over the contour of his brow, she noticed a

had never noticed it

over the scar on his brow

the scar. It was faint, seemingly from years

was the emergency department on the third floor, and there weren’t many people receiving an IV at night. It was just Lucian

morning. However, he continued to rest with a furrowed brow, as if the


his phone rang once.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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