Chapter 80

“Having Mr. Lindberg over really adds a splash of color to the Flanagan family”

Mr. Lindberg a big shot in the business world, didn’t think much of the Flanagan family But now, Penelope was pregnant with the first child of the Lindberg family This was a big deal, and it put a big smile on Mr. Lindberg’s face.

Penelope was treated like a princess, with a servant to help her walk The Lindberg family didn’t want her to get hurt in any way Cora, holding her hand, said, “You said last

time that it’s all about fate, and now fate has come, hasn’t it?”

Penelope didn’t know what Allison had told Cora last time She just laughed and changed the subject, “What do you think, does Lucian prefer a boy or a gir

Cora smiled. “Whether it’s a boy or a girl, as long as it’s your child, he’ll love it”

This seemed to hint at something deeper

In the world of the rich and powerful, the fear is mixed bloodlines.

Cora’s words, but her expression didn’t change, like she didn’t understand, “I also like it, after all, it’s the child of me and

look satisfied

girl, Cora definitely

have plenty more. I just received a new batch that hasn’t been


course, Penelope didn’t know.

blamed Allison in her heart for not


so much to Lucian. Allison must have used some tricks to seduce Lucian during that time. Thank God she found out about Allison’s secret pregnancy, or she would have

up. She looked at Margo, and Margo immediately followed her to the balcony, “Miss,

“Where is Allison?”

your instructions, Miss, someone has been sent to look

something for me… Penelope whispered


off her engagement ring with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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