Chapter 96

“Cause Luca got framed, I stepped in to lend him a hand, and he ended up misunderstand me. As she spoke, Penelope seemed a bit bashful, “Guys usually have a soft spot for their first love, you and Mr. Crane might grew up together and he treats you as a sister, but you ain’t blood–related. Besides, Carter spoils you rotten and he thinks the world of Mr. Crane, he’d be over the moon if you two hit it off. Plus, Kamilla, you’re all grown up, don’t you wanna have a deeper relationship with the man you fancy?”

Kamilla hung her head, her eyes sparkling.


Her heart pounded, “I do hope so.”

Of course, she hoped to have a deeper connection with Aidan.

Kamilla tightened her grip on her own hands, but how could she possibly do such a shameless thing!

Penelope could tell Kamilla was wavering.

Guests and socialites buzzed around the banquet hall in small groups, crystal chandeliers illuminating their fancy outfits, making the scene incredibly lavish.

champagne wafted through the air,

mindset of young girls like Kamilla, “Oh, opportunities like this only knock once, if you

Kamilla quickly

face turned red, “Don’t leave, I… her voice trailed off, “I

do you dirty. I’m all for helping you out. If you’re in, I’ll go find someone to help you get

were burning, she seemed to have made up her mind, she stomped her

up Penelope’s face, ‘This Kamilla is so naive, agreeing

corner of the banquet hall and dialed Pete

need a

of the line, Pete was playing poker in

He asked, puffing on a cigarette while a woman helped

gave it some thought, and then agreed, “Fine, I’ll

found a guy, “Go downstairs

dialed his father, David, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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