Chapter 114

She gripped her hands tightly, wanting to say something, but didn’t know how to put it into words.

Since he’d already confessed his feelings, Dr. Dylan had no more hesitations. He looked straight at Allison and said, “I’m serious. Ever since the first time you came to the hospital with your mom, I noticed you. You’re kind, strong, and I gradually found myself attracted to you. I think we’re a good match…”

She seemed a bit lost, “Dr. Dylan, you’re great, but I’m not as good as you think. You know my mom’s health condition I haven’t even graduated yet, and i don’t have a decent job. You’re so amazing, I don’t think I’m good enough for you.”

“I’m serious!” He gripped Allison’s hand tightly. “Don’t reject me. We can try dating. I don’t care about your job. I’m a doctor, I can help take care of your mom. If you really don’t like me, then I’ll give up.”

Allison fell silent. It was impossible for her not to be moved.

Dr. Dylan was indeed outstanding, attractive, from a good family, and he was always working hard. But her… she just didn’t feel like she was on his level.

“Are you willing to give it a try?”

Allison was dazed for a moment.

His hand was so warm.


a yes.” Dr. Dylan was nervous, “I’ll

out how to respond

in surprise,

didn’t expect such a trick from someone

he ran a hand through his


that, she was even more

getting awkward, a familiar female

instinctively turned around, seeing Lucian and Penelope

at Allison, “What are you doing here?”

his indifferent gaze fell on Allison, and next

eyes narrowed, looking

subtle atmosphere between them, Dr. Dylan politely said, “Mr. Lindberg,

gave a slight nod in

the waiter while holding onto

ready for you, please come in.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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