Chapter 74

“Well, that’s that” Thalassa answered.

The two of them hopped back in the car, with Hertha looking noticeably cheerer than before.

“What happened between you and Lysander at Sapphire Skyline?” Hertha remembered what Alaric had said and gave Thalassa a look full of curiosity.

Just thinking about the close relationship between Thalassa and Lysander that Alaric had implied made her excited. She was dying to know the truth.

Thalassa’s face turned a deep shade of red. “Keep your eyes on the road and quit being nosy.”

“Come on, tell me, I’m your best friend. Whats the harm in telling?” Hertha’s curiosity was piqued. She was eager to know about Thalassa and Lysander.

Thalassa was extremely embarrassed, “That night, I was working as a waitress at Sapphire Skyline. Alariv ordered some female company, and I was sent to serve them. However, Lysander mistook me for one of the ladies they ordered. I explained that I was just a waitress, not the kind of worker they were expecting, and left the room. Nothing happened between us.”

Thalassa put extra emphasis on the last sentence.

“Are you sure nothing happened? Alaric just called you Lysander’s woman, and he didn’t deny it.” Hertha’s mind was racing, she was turning into a detective.

taken aback, she also remembered Lysander’s

she was his woman and even defended her against

he do that?

have feelings

No way!

his girlfriend Isabella?

still had feelings for other

saying only his ex-girlfriend was in his heart. But, right now, it looked like he was a player.

Who are you going to

believe you… I believe you.” Hertha quickly

company that night?” Hertha’s focus shifted to Alaric, catching the important point from Thalassa’s story.

Thalassa responded nonchalantly.

didn’t want to paint too clear a picture of the scene, fearing

female company the most. He was always surrounded

four of them were party animals.

was no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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