Chapter 178

Sybil camed a bowl of hot soup that was still steaming.

“Thalassa, I noticed you didn’t eat much tonight, so I made you some soup…”

Before she could finish, she saw the two of them cuddling on the bed. Thalassa was leaning on Lysander with her cheek against his chest Lysander was disheveled, his bathrobe was open, and Thalassa’s hands were touching the muscles on his chest.

This intimate scene made Sybil stop mid–sentence.

Thalassa also realized that she was too close to Lysander, which could lead to misunderstandings. She felt embarrassed and quickly pulled the covers over herself

She was blushing, wishing she could find a place to hide.

Sybil, having seen her share of life, was not shocked, but she was delighted, and her smile deepened, saying, “TII leave the soup here; remember to drink it when you’re free. Carry on; I won’t disturb you.”


that, Sybil quickly left the room, making sure to close the door tightly behind

for Thalassa to rest in Lysander’s room and had urged workaholic

be together. If no sparks flew when a young man and a woman shared a room, then something was definitely off, especially since Lysander

to avoid being pushed into marriage, so she


happy that she couldn’t stop

look and was about to knock on the door when Sybil hurriedly

enjoying some alone time. Don’t disturb

looked serious, “It’s Thalassa’s first day in our house; she should be a bit more reserved.

grump, what era are you living in? Young people these days are passionate; they don’t


more displeased. Lysander was always serious, disciplined, and very rule–abiding.

anything and was prepared to knock on the door again. He needed to

and speak aloud, “Don’t you believe what I said? I just went in to bring Thalassa soup

on finding Lysander, “Go to bed;

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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