Chapter 846

Brittany managed a wry smile, “How have you been holding up lately?”

“Just peachy.”

Brittany had met Charles under serendipitous circumstances. He seemed like a free spirit, but underneath that facade was a highly competent man with an extensive network of information at his fingertips. Her trip to Craneville was spurred by a desire to delve deeper into the research institute’s mysteries.

“How’s the investigation going?” she asked.

“Hang tight,” he replied before standing up to leave.

Upon his return, Charles slid a stack of papers across the table towards her. “Based on what I’ve found so far, the family bankrolling the institute from the shadows is likely the Salters.”

“The Salter family?”

“Yes,” Charles nodded. “Pete Salter had a keen interest in these matters, but he’s been gone for years, and there’s nothing left to uncover.”

The documents echoed Charles’s words.

Brittany hadn’t expected the Salter family to be entangled in this affair.

“There’s something else,” Charles said with a sly grin. “I discovered that your mother, Ms) Russell, had visited Craneville before.”

“My mother?”


Salter was in town

had no known ties to the

socialite of Imperial City, but her connection to the Salters seemed coincidental at best.

suspected there was more to it, but without evidence, he kept his theories to himself.

“The man with you today,

senior executive I’ve hired to help run the company,” Brittany clarified, noting the misunderstanding. “My fiancé is still

of light flickered in Charles’s eyes before he spoke again,

We’ll catch

at her hotel, Brittany shed her defenses and the

following day, Brittany and Landon got down to business.

other party was

agreement was reached after nearly two days of hammering out the details. On Thursday,

Brittany invited everyone to unwind at a bar, and Landon joined them.

filled the air as they entered.

instruments, stood

unbuttoned enough to reveal a chiseled chest; his wet hair clung to his scalp, accentuating his handsome features.

and exuded a sense

him shedding his shirt and moving rhythmically with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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