Chapter 904

Spectators gathered on the sidewalk, their murmurs floating in the air like a dubious chorus, none showing a real intent to step in.

Brittany pulled over and got out to assess the situation.

A bystander warned her, “Don’t get involved. It’s none of your business.”

Brittany ignored the advice.

Dialing 911, she then patiently waited for the ambulance to arrive. Following it to the hospital, she watched as the elderly lady was rushed into the emergency room. Not knowing her identity, Brittany fronted some cash for the stranger’s treatment and then left the medical center.

Back at Bay Community, Isaac had just wrapped up a meeting.

He was prepping dinner when she walked in. “Why are you so late?”

“Just got held up on the road.”

Brittany recounted her to Isaac. It wasn’t a hero complex; she simply couldn’t bear to see a life slip away so needlessly. Every time she saw an old person in trouble, she thought of her grandmother. If only someone had been there to lend a hand, her grandma might still be around.

Isaac, well aware of the kindness in Brittany’s bones, encouraged her, “You did good.”

At the Lynette residence, Holden returned home to find Saskia waiting for him.

“Holden, you’re back.”

agreed to call off the

expect her to be so mercenary. Vincent made a small mistake, why is


Saskia’s words, Holden’s brow furrowed involuntarily. “Saskia, being

Ophelia’s pride and unwillingness to settle for less, Vincent’s behavior was unacceptable

has been with

the more reason he

know that you and Vincent are close, but he’s got

sins, he had the Lynette family to fall back on. They were different; they didn’t have the luxury of making

her tongue.

stay out of

is arranging blind dates for you. Are you…”

doesn’t matter

were his

power, a perception she found distasteful. But they were all each other had, so she held her tongue.

room-it was from the

Lynette, your grandmother has been admitted. Can you come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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