Chapter 923

“Ivy.” Dominic hadn’t expected Ivy to show up here. His gaze quickly flicked over to Isaac.

Was Ivy still not over him?

He hadn’t known Isaac was married before, so he’d been rooting for Ivy. But now that he knew Isaac had a family, if Ivy kept on pursuing him, well, that changed things.

Ivy’s eyes were locked on Isaac, understandably so; he was the kind of man who caught your attention the moment he walked into the room. Even standing next to Dominic, Isaac held his own.

She approached confidently. “Mr. Salter, how about a round of golf?” Her smile was mischievous. “And if I win, how about we have dinner together tonight?”

With years of experience swinging golf clubs since childhood, Ivy had a swing that could put pros to shame.

Isaac intended to decline.

-But Dominic, ever the peacemaker, chimed in, “Zac, why don’t we all play together?”

Not wishing to be rude, Isaac reluctantly agreed.

Isaac’s golf skills were impeccable, with every move on the course being picture-perfect.

clearly smitten.

frowned at the sight and, finding an excuse, led Ivy to the lounge area. “Stop mooning over him, Ivy.

was a picture of disbelief.

little schemes of yours to bed. Zac’s a one-woman man.”

stubborn. “I just really like

hard to find, and she wasn’t about to let go without

they were close, he had to tread carefully with

to give up and spent the entire golf game trying to engage

and became increasingly

approach Isaac again when Dominic

about we grab some dinner? Maybe invite your wife along?”

“Sounds good.”

Brittany, Isaac’s

made a reservation at a

and asked her to join

about the woman Isaac had married and remained silent throughout the evening.

Isaac talked politics and business, boring Ivy to tears. She excused herself and headed for the garden

had she stepped into the garden

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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