The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife

The Billionaire’s Kick-Ass Wife By Alice Walker Chapter 247

Chapter 247 Isabella’s Subordinates

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire hall was in an uproar.

Immediately, everyone turned their gazes to Isabella.

Some were gossiping, some were probing, some were waiting to watch a good show, and some were angry.

However, Isabella’s expression remained unchanged, as if the matter had nothing to do with her.

Putting aside how angry Madame Emma Lockwood and Patriarch Lockwood were on the main branch’s side, Betty and Ricky were pissed off too.

The two little guys and the two little robots revealed angry emotions.

They glared at Willow angrily. Betty said angrily. “That old granny is too much. Does she want to get a mistress for daddy?”

Ricky lowered his voice and said, “That’s right.”

little brother, should we also get

at a loss

sure that’s how

We have to stop daddy from getting

a little disappointed. “Then it won’t be challenging. If daddy dares to marry a mistress, we

did not say anything. His gaze gradually

You’re old, and it’s getting late. You should

what did I say that you

you are by that woman! You don’t even take me seriously. “No, today, regarding the


“Jen, don’t you

today. From today onwards,

words were firm and

stroking Big Dipper’s ring and suddenly chuckled. “Even if he’s the Lockwood family patriarch, having

snorted coldly. “Draxton, look. This woman is so jealous. Is she worthy of being the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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