Chapter 292 Ziana Was Anna’s Biological Mother

Soon, Draxton returned with an empty bucket.

Draxton handed the empty bucket to Cooper. Then Draxton patted his hands and got in the car, saying to Isabella, “Experience is the best teacher. Now, I’m very sure that Jasper is a clean freak. He must have an obsessive-compulsive disorder.”

Jasper could not stand a little dirt on him.

Therefore, when Draxton poured a bucket of paint over Jasper’s head, Jasper screamed so miserably.

Being poured with black and sticky paint was undoubtedly torture for a clean freak.

Isabella had a complicated expression.

Isabella looked at Draxton, unable to describe her current feelings.

It was because Isabella could not imagine how Draxton was with a serious face and poured a bucket of paint over Jasper’s head.

Isabella thought, “That is so…”

Isabella hesitated, murmuring. “That bucket of paint…”

“That bucket of paint is environmentally friendly and unpolluted,” said Draxton.

Isabella’s lips twitched. She could not help laughing.


Isabella could not help laughing so long as she thought about Jasper coming here arrogantly and leaving with his head full of paint.

That was completely tragic!

However, when Isabella smiled, she felt her organs hurt. She softly coughed, and blood reappeared at the corners of her lips again.

face changed drastically. He hurriedly drove

returning to the Northernville Manor, Isabella went to her medicine box to get some pills for healing. Isabella

and said, “Jasper is terrifyingly powerful. You might be injured since you

Draxton was not completely unharmed when he fought against

a pill. Seeing Draxton swallow it, she was relieved.

said, “Jasper and Jake look so similar

alike. However, when Isabella saw Jasper, she could not help thinking of Jake.

Anna. She said, “I have to give the paternity test result to Ziana


must know the Sutton family, right?”

walked beside Isabella. He replied as

twenty years ago, Aunt Mia had an older brother who died in a car accident. It was said that his

accident? No, I don’t think so.”


Isabella nodded.

test report and headed toward

and chatting. Ziana’s eyes were slightly red. It was obvious that Ziana had cried.

and listened as Ziana told her love story

boxing family, which is traditional and values a lot the legacy of boxing. One is the son of a rich merchant. I knew my parents would not agree to our marriage. Yates did not want to cause trouble for his


happy. Sadly, happiness won’t last forever…”

Isabella handed the test report to

Ziana could not help crying when she received the paternity

handed the other copy

hands trembled slightly. She took the

Anna’s face and dropped on the paper in Anna’s

disappointed and resentful…” Isabella and

Draxton went out, they saw Jake and Olivia

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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