Chapter 413

Gianna had extended an invitation to Anastasia’s family for the grand opening of her new coffee shop. Herman was tied up with work, so he asked Dailey to accompany Anastasia and Salma. Their daughter, Pattie, had school that day. Naturally, they wouldn’t ask her to take a day off and hold her back from her studies.

Upon arrival at the coffee shop, Anastasia learned the name that Gianna had chosen.

“Forever Cafe.” Anastasia read the words on the sign aloud, chuckling.

Anastasia’s belly was visibly larger, even beneath her loose clothing. Gianna glanced at Anastasia’s belly, with hidden longing flickering in her eyes.

“I had a fortune teller pick the name. Let’s go inside. It’s almost time for the ribbon-cutting.” Gianna laughed, asking, “Where’s your husband?”

“He’s tied up at work,” Anastasia replied, pulling out a gift. “Gianna, I wish you booming business and abundant wealth.”

“You’re being too formal,” Gianna teased, pulling Anastasia inside. “Come on, let’s go in.”

eight flower baskets. Gianna had a fair number of friends, with more and more flower baskets arriving one

to that of a widow? She was in control of all their asset, her net worth had doubled, and

eyeing their chances to woo Gianna. Winning her over

settled inside the shop while Gianna went out to greet her friends. Soon, the entrance of the

glanced at the name of the coffee shop. It wasn’t chosen by a fortune teller at all,

other words, she was tenaciously devoted to Herman. She could only hide this love she had for Herman deep within her heart, but she was not willing to completely let go. So, she hid this love in the name of

wanting to reveal

“Gianna’s really capable, managing such a large shop all by herself. Ever since Joey became paralyzed,

a soft pink dress coupled with the unique charm of a minggearold women, she was truly a picture

say women marry for happiness and divorce for the same reason. While she

your aunt that

Sometimes she even wondered if Joey’s paralysis was part of Gianne’s plan. Joey’s paralysis was a better outcome than divorce The

in bol atmosphere of Glanna’s grand opening lors to add

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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