I swear I think I might hate him already; eyes as empty as I suddenly feel, my heart pounding in my ribcage as I try to control every inch of desire to tell him to go fuck himself. I would rather be in a river than this.

‘’I don’t think I like you as much as I thought I might. You’re no fun and you have serious control issues.’’ I start to get up slowly and deliberately, telling myself to walk away before I erupt and make this worse. I need space to calm down and think this through before I throw in one of my Princess tantrums and earn an enemy for life.

Getting up fully I turn to leave, but he’s fast, catches my wrist and tugs me down beside him harshly, so I practically fall on top of him my cleavage almost bursting out of my negligee with the way the fabric has been pulled tight. It’s almost under his nose with how close we are.

‘’I don’t care if you like me. You will do as I tell you and suck it up, Sweetheart. Otherwise, you and I will have a lot of problems. This sassy whore act is not interesting in any way and I really have no desire to fuck you. I want to use you for your skill, make money and not deal with any female drama in the process. I don’t normally hire women for prominent roles so this is a learning curve and you will quickly learn your place, what to do and when to nod and say “yes sir”’ Alexi runs a finger down my throat as he stares at me cruelly, almost nose to nose, my chest heaving with my struggling breath as I hold it. His thumb traces over the curve of my left breast intrusively, which is bulging out at him.

Tingles burn my skin with his touch, and despite myself and how much hatred I have oozing his way right now my knees press together in response and my inner body spikes with heat. I know what he’s doing, it’s all mind games and putting me in my place. It’s all about being my master and calling the shots, so I steel myself and bite my inner lip to stop any outward reactions or involuntary expressions that he is looking for and just scowl at him instead. Holding my body taut and stiff so he gets the vibe I want him to get his fucking hands off me.

‘‘Like I said … Control issues!’’ I grit my teeth at him and yank my wrist free as I glare at the smirk he has going on. He seems unfazed as I disentangle myself from him and pull away to straighten my dress. Yanking it so my cleavage nestles back in the lace, where it belongs. Alexi gets up to tower over me and just seems completely amused and unruffled.

‘’You have no idea how much I like control. Keep it up London, and I might rethink fucking you just to show you how much I can make you not like me.’’ He smiles fully this time, sinister in that tone, his eyes paling out with a hint of anger and a lot of edge that tells me it’s not an empty threat. My whole body runs cold as a wave of unease floods me and my anger simmers cowardly.

I got under his skin anyway and yet my heart fluttering in my chest and limbs tightening are more of an anxiety related reaction than anything else. I feel a little sick that maybe I am out of my depth where he is concerned.

I know better than anyone that men can make sex a cruel act of torture. I should know better than to play with fire. He seems like he would be good at making sex horrendous.

‘’Maybe I should leave you to your drink and go to bed. You have someone waiting after all.’’ I answer him nervously, hating that he’s catching hints of my fear, but I have never had to navigate someone like him, who sends so many conflicting signals. Gentleman and smooth player to brimming danger with the possibility of demonic things. I make another move to leave but like before, he isn’t done with me and stands in my way, catching me by the arm as he spins me back to him. Almost nose to nose as he leans in fully to meet my height.

‘‘I’m not your hero or someone who wants to be your friend or lover. This arrangement was not my doing, but I will make the most of any advantages that fall in my lap. The sooner you learn to nod, smile and obey me, the better it will be for both of us. You represent me now and therefore all you do will be controlled by me! Learn when to shut your mouth and play nice.’’ The deliverance is that low psychotic tone I saw in Lucie’s office. I swallow hard and try like crazy to stand taller, lifting my chin defiantly, despite my limbs turning to jelly.

Backing down to monsters is not the way to play the game. You have to show strength or they will walk all over you and pound you into the ground. I have dealt with evil many times before, I just need to remind myself this one shields it with charm and great bone structure, but he’s no different to other men. I have to challenge his authority over me and not let him grind me down into the dust. Do not show weakness.

or yours playing games. Enjoy your night Alexi, I am going

in that sharp head. I think that’s what unnerves me the most. His brain is a closed and locked room while most men are predictable and readable in small ways. Alexi has a poker face that has been honed to expert levels and those eyes tell you nothing at all

working out other fine details. From here on in you can call me Mr Carrero, and you can try opting for longer dresses and keep your tits under wraps when I am around.’’ He yanks my robe closed in front of me harshly and I automatically catch the fabric and pull it tighter in a bid to feel more secure. Scalded, seething and cursing that this went the whole opposite way to how I imagined it

lever into any weak spots. If I even want to anymore. All my instincts are saying to never poke

putting my all into those two words and try not to glare at that stubborn deadpan face as he steps away from me

like it. There might be hope for you yet. I like women who know their place in my world.’’ He smirks devilishly and then brushes past me with a sideways glance, dismissing me and his mood in a spookily fast moment. I swear punching him in the throat would make me feel a whole lot better but instead, I just start counting in my head and try hard not to erupt at

better. It got me many a backhanded

mostly black bedroom. I had thought it weird at first but now I’m thinking it’s more than

before he opens the door to his dark hole and disappears inside to go do whatever to that poor alternative to what he could have had.

instead, I am thanking my lucky stars that he didn’t actually make me his victim for a night. I have seriously underestimated him. Part of me wonders if maybe I did have a lucky escape. I’ve never been into BDSM or bondage, and the thought of

body for his own dirty need so she could feed her own junkie habit. I cried, screamed and threw up in my own mouth, and yet they never let me loose until he was done with

tool for her to get her fix and my own worth and sanity played second fiddle. I’m glad the stupid bitch overdosed when I was fifteen but it didn’t save me from the hands of her pimp boyfriend for the years that followed or the

I would rather kill myself than endure letting any man ever take me back into a place where I was powerless to save myself. I won’t

for my own ends.

I have no longing to become another controlled pussy for

him beat and gag his cheap sluts.

of value about him, not managed to get under that mask

sex anytime he stays over. I never opted for a roommate who had a sex drive of a serial screwer, and I sure as hell don’t want to fall into bed every night

it was going to be, he has all the upper hand and I’m nothing more than a glorified concierge in the making.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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