I walk around naked when I am home alone, and I have more than once got myself off on the couch in full view while watching porn on his huge TV, stuck to the goddamn wall. I am not exactly shy about self-pleasuring or even just doing my yoga work out completely starkers in the lounge.

Who the hell watches the footage back? That pervy silent guard on the third floor?

Oh, my God!

My blood runs cold at the thought and I wonder if he has cameras in my bedroom? Now knowing this, how much of my time alone does he get to see and what does he do with it after?

I feel physically sick with both the thought of it and my fury bubbling like lava deep in my gut is fast combatting the initial shocked ickiness in my bones.

‘’You didn’t know, did you?’’ He looks amused and even though I am trying not to react I can see he has that uncanny Alexi trait of reading people. He also has the same smug arsehole way of finding the most inappropriate shit amusing.

‘‘No, I wasn’t aware I was living in the Big Brother house and having my every move watched by some greasy little pervert of a security goon.’’ I feel pissed, as I should. It’s so underhanded, and so much for ‘’you can trust me’’ I guess that’s what the ‘‘to an extent’’ was all about. I am absolutely fuming! Body vibrating and trying to keep still as my inner fight perks up.

‘’Alexi is the only one with access to the apartment cameras. He has a direct link to them on his devices—thumbprint activated. He can choose to have them go to sleep and only record when there is movement upstairs.’’ Yes, like me masturbating on his leather couch. Great. I hope he enjoyed the show because it’s the last one he will be getting. I should never underestimate that prick.

‘’He should have told me. It’s a complete invasion of my privacy.’’

‘’Yeah. Go tell Alexi that, and good luck.’’ Gino laughs at me and swaggers past with that same self-assured confident walk of a guy who's always been chased by women his whole life, yet I find him less attractive than his darker counterpart.

Gino is the sunny one; clearly not into the same shit as his brother and therefore probably a trustworthy and likeable fellow.


a sneaky arsehole who spies on

turning the heads of the new bar staff as he goes by. I lose interest as my eyes fall on the tanned broad neck and see it’s completely free of Alexi’s tell-tale

like a bit

attention and I turn to the small mousy wench before me. She’s been here two days and already her lack of initiative is pissing me off. She looks like an overgrown Disney character with her big eyes

get a kick of satisfaction with the shocked and then wounded expression covers her face. I know that being a bitch is unnecessary but the second you show any form of nice to these people they stop doing as they’re told and start taking advantage, getting lax. Show them not to fuck with you right away and you are less likely to have to deal with any drama. I

going to be in plain sight. Can’t

building.’’ I exhale

I call out to the tall blonde, Thor lookalike, putting

puppy routine. I like his eagerness and willingness to please. Mousy should take notes; instead, she’s following me like a lost child

office when you’re done. And give Dimwit here

sweet little southern belle of a boy, obviously gay and I head off in search of the lift to go grace the Carrero brothers with my pleasure.

couple things I need Alexi to sign off on and part of me is dying to see them side by side and compare how far the

here once a week at most. Lucie almost choked on his own tongue that day, and he has been slinking in the shadows scowling from afar ever since. He stays out of my way and I stay out of his; no idea what he even does here anymore as Alexi removed all his privileges, and he’s nothing more than a desk dweller who just adds a bad mood to the

because he’s family he allows him to stay, but he doesn’t want him anywhere else in his business and has nowhere else to put him. Like a bad smell, he just

Good riddance.

twin up to the apartment instead for some family time. I still cannot believe those two shared a womb and came from one egg—Alexi seems like he should have been a solitary invention. Unless it was a case of one baby getting all the good and the

above. I am charmingly sweet when he’s around, which is rare, and he’s his normal bastard self. Cold, bossy and always

now and its likely he will get on with his demands before I come up to bed. Getting tired of listening to wenches climax while my own sex life is completely dead. Thanks to controlling Carrero and his idea that I should be untouched while representing his good name,

to be sex starved for a prolonged period, it’s another to be

keeps it all very clinical and business based. I have no qualms that he obviously does not like me.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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