They lead us to a large, carved, ugly wooden door depicting nude women mid-orgy, and I eye roll at the crassness. Suits Santagato to a T. Mico slides in front of us quickly, knocks on it several times in a coded bang while we wait silently and patiently. Tension making the air so thick I can almost cut it with a knife. I have to still my trembling body, clinging onto him for dear life, focusing on his warm hand encasing mine snugly as a form of grounding and I repeat the mantra ‘he will always protect me’ inside my head.
It’s opened immediately and two men move aside as we are let into a dark, smoky room where several men are sitting at a long table. I cannot count how many there are, eyes scanning the crowded scene quickly as my focus tries to adjust rapidly. I swallow my breath, my heart plummets and I just let him take the lead.
Alexi walks us in behind two of his men and Mico. I can tell at a glance which ones are the bosses, by their suits and grim expressions, while all the rest of the men in black coats and heavy builds are obviously security. I catch sight of the enemy for the first time and instantly want to strangle the bitch to death as her eyes meet mine and she throws a smug little smirk our way.
Sat halfway down the table and flanked by two men in grey suits, she looks cocky and arrogant, homed in on us as we move in and get ushered to two empty seats at the head of the table.
She’s older than I expected, maybe late forties, early fifties, dyed brown hair piled on her head messily, no doubt trying to look sexy. She has way too much makeup on to appear more attractive, but she is missing the natural beauty that's needed to really pull off her look. Her clothes are tailored, an attempt at sharp businesswoman, but she just looks dowdy and out of place.
She’s haggard and tired looking and I can’t stop glaring at her with as much venom as I can muster. She lacks that air of command that these ageing men and scary bosses have. Alexi has more presence in his pinkie toe than her entire entourage. She is a major disappointment to what I had built up in my head.
“Interesting. Bringing along your little toy to a sit-down, Alexi. So like you to send a message in everything you do.” She smirks to herself, so self-assured in the fact she thinks she knows why I’m here, and it gives me a moment to throw a devious smile her way. Knowing she has no clue why my presence here is so important or what I am to him now. She is about to get a rude awakening that will wipe that idiotic arsehole look off her fake face.
Alexi ignores her, it’s like she didn’t even address him at all and just looks to where he is guiding me. He leads us to our seats, in his own time, and pulls my chair out for me, patiently waiting while I slide in and he finally lets my hand go before pushing it in for me again as I connect. Deliberately slow and controlled, making it clear no one rushes him or gets any sort of interaction until he decides. It’s a power play on his part and as the room falls completely silent, I realise how effective it is.
It’s odd being sat at the top of these men, looking down the long narrow expanse of table littered with glasses and elbows. The other men in the room nod our way and give mumbled greetings, nods, showing their respect, and it’s pretty obvious, even to me, that despite it being a five-family treaty, they treat Alexi like the Godfather. Head of the table says it all. They have been waiting for him and placing him here gives him the authority in this meeting.
He sits after I’m settled and leans back in his chair before fixing his gaze on the woman who caused us so much grief. Precise in his manner, smoothing his jacket out and moves his water glass to the side out of his way. Making it obvious he isn’t in any way bothered by her presence.
“What did I miss?” Alexi throws it out there and turns his attention to Santagato with a shoulder rotate, easing out his muscle, like two dudes catching up after the gym.
I cringe when I see that man, sitting directly to my right, and try not to look at him too obviously, hoping no one really notices me tucked in here. Santagato is still a letch and a dangerous man I want no interaction with. He may not have made an attempt on my life, but he is still one hell of a bastard.
Apart from her, I’m the only other woman in the room and it makes me wholly uncomfortable. The symbolism in that is overwhelming. These men do not bring their women to this shit. Alexi has to be breaking some sort of rule, surely.
“Just our lady here bigging herself up and trying to convince us we should allow her to take her father’s place in the treaty to govern New York.” Santagato sneers at that, obviously not impressed.
Alexi laughs, that deep sadistic chuckle, as though it’s highly amusing to him, and rocks back in his chair a little more. Fixing her with a penetrative gaze that could shatter glass. I hold my breath and posture, still as a statue and just watch, unable to do much else. So tense I literally feel rigid. Alexi seems right at home though, surrounded by these suits and taking over his chair like he owns it.
“Your father never had a place in this treaty so there is no place to take, Marianne.” He fixes her with a penetrative gaze, and she has the audacity to laugh right back. Smug in herself and no clue who she is dealing with. She has no concept of who he can be and that is worrying. I might start the timer on how long it takes before she finds out.
“We both know that’s just a technicality. We were supposed to be a part of this until your families wiped them all out.” She raises a haughty brow and I glance at Alexi quickly, the amused chuckle, the small shake of his head. Not bothered by her retort.
“You take no responsibility for his actions then? The reason we had to. He placed hits on our families' most vulnerable, like a coward!” Another boss steps in, enraged at the nerve of the woman, bursting forward onto the table and slamming his hands down in rage. I sit back and watch as the men around the table mutter their complaints at her flawed logic loudly. Getting agitated verbally and Alexi raises his palm to hush them all into immediate silence. They do as instructed, a deathly silent wave falling over us instantly which again confirms he is boss in this today.
“Is that the legacy you wish to carry on?” he asks her smoothly, taking control once more.
Marianne looks around them all and smiles like a Cheshire cat. Unfazed at their grumbles and I can see her mistake. She assumes these fat rich men have gone soft in all the years of living in a peaceful city. She thinks she can swoop in with a little intimidation and just take up a place left vacant by her father.
Why? Because she thinks Alexi is the only one to be reckoned with and she thinks she has his number. He didn’t retaliate so maybe he has gone soft. I can see it in her eyes. The far too confident brain of a stupid woman who has become power drunk on her achievements so far. She has no idea who she is fucking with or that the only thing holding him back is his family.
“I want to carry on where my father left off. I have way more capability to rule than he ever did.”
She thinks this sit-down is like a little business negotiation where she puts her demands, and all is forgiven and forgotten. She showed her muscle and her reach by targeting women that had no real value and now thinks she has earned a place in the group of New York’s most powerful. She thinks she can leave here today with a position on their board and a chunk of New York in her pocket.
As if it was that easy.
Woman thinks the crime lords have got rich, fat and lazy over the years and want to avoid bloodshed at all costs. You can tell she has never existed among the underbelly of these people or seen how disposable life is when someone gets in their way. She was raised spoiled, wealthy and entitled, and has a superiority that will be her undoing. She is no crime lord at all. Just a cocky bitch with a few hired guns and a lot of money. No match for my man and I can already see the cogs turning in his head as he sizes her up.
He is gifted at reading people in situations like this, and I can tell he is relaxing by the second with what faces him. A fly on his windscreen and easy to squish. I relax too, a little reassured this will not be the bloodfest I envisioned and lean towards him to feel his body heat through my dress, to slow my racing heart and find that much-needed security of being near him.
“So, what do you bring to the table, aside from murdering women and children?” Alexi cuts through all the bullshit of this play nice conversation and she fixes her attention on him with a sly little look.
“Oh, little Alessandro Carrero. You seem to be the main man nowadays. You know, I wasn’t surprised to hear you had grown through the ranks until you took control as head of the board. Even at thirteen, when you shot my fiancée, you showed promise as a ruthless leader. What happened to you, huh? Where is that formidable killer I heard so much about? Seems to me that was all pissing in the wind to scare off folks trying to move into this city. Was that your first and last killing, little boy?” She deflects with sarcasm, trying to show the upper hand and humiliate him. Eyes narrowed and prick side on show.
to God. Shoot her Alexi. Right in the face, in fact, do it somewhere that makes her die slowly
seat as volcanic temper simmers inside me and try so hard to be as still and panther-like as he is. All that perfect cool control he has is breathtaking. He just fixes
hell with minimum effort. The man who stood in my hospital room and scared the bejesus out of me is here in all his glory, owning this scenario, manipulating it subtly. She just shrugs, trying to deliver the same level of iciness, but cannot hide the way her hand trembles as she reaches for water to moisten her dry throat. Annoyed that he just rebuffed her cattiness effortlessly and made
hint of weakness or
and I guess his manner is unnerving her. That icy, penetrating gaze that pierces your soul as he pulls you apart, and does so
truly is the King when it comes to this
it’s obvious she is starting to waiver. I think she expected an easier negotiation and straight down to business, as her ballsy attitude has a shelf life. It was all a front in a bid to appear in control until the real man of the hour swept in and showed her how a boss acts. No one can prepare you for a showdown with Alexi and it’s obvious she wasn’t expecting the thirteen-year-old kid she remembers to be this
you off a little at first, but five seconds talking to his demon side and you know your number's up. He wears intimidation like a cloak and
he glances down so subtly it’s practically unnoticed. I side squint at his face unsure what
at his own phone, and the overwhelming sense of foreboding hits me hard. Tiny hints and signals from Alexi’s men that most would miss but I know their language
I don’t recognise, and a strange atmosphere seems to emanate from Alexi
say? You’re awfully quiet, are you trying to scramble a comeback?” Smug bitch raises a brow, and I
at that response. As am I. I turn to him questioningly as he sits up a little straighter, places his phone on the table in front of
noticeable way that would look like nothing
over their heads and zip tied around their throats in the most grotesque, frightening fashion; so fast it’s like a dance that has been rehearsed to precision, stealthily done. It’s speedy and efficient, and she lets out a scream as
my heart rips out of my chest and I’m hit with a cold
their chairs, shocked, some sit steadfast, unfazed by this brutal scene, but it’s Santagato and Alexi who draw my eye as the fear and panic course through me, strangling me into frozen terror. My heart almost self-combusting, it’s hammering so fast, but I hold firm like I told
your shit
planning as two men in front of my eyes suffocate to death slowly in the most terrifying and traumatising few minutes. Bodies twitching and writhing while being held still by muscular men with zero expression. The wide-eyed terror and gasping, godawful sounds as the bags deflate, fog up and cling to their faces, sucking into the cavernous space made by gaping mouths and the whole table shudders with the kicks of their feet trying to get
panic and cling to the table until my knuckles turn white. Labouring breaths as I try to keep my head together.
the spot watching this horrific scene, knowing instinctively I shouldn’t show
forward heavily and facepalm the desk. They are dumped unceremoniously
in some daymare, grasping Alexi’s leg under the table to try to keep myself calm as the woman’s wails turn raspy, tears streaming
try as she might to rouse him, it’s obvious he's dead. Pulling at him, pawing at the bag on his head to get it off with fumbling fingers as she realises, she's too late. It’s
gentle touch and remind me he's still with me. I inhale heavily to calm my own shuddering limbs and pull myself
across from me. She looks up, tears pouring down her sodden, blotchy face, makeup running, skin white and almost translucent with the fear of knowing this is the
this news. Everyone seated looks our way except Santagato, who smiles like an evil psycho and turns his chair until he faces her. Revelling in this gruesome scene with an unhinged smile on his face. It’s clear it’s no surprise to him that Alexi married me, and now I know who Alexi was on the phone to last night
The heavy silence
into balled fists so firmly my nails dig into my palms, but I just can’t stand this anymore. I’m fighting so hard to be gracious and poised while inside I’m terrified and on the verge of an all-out panic attack. The only
my wife. Guess your intel wasn’t all that. And yes, I know who it was, and we won’t be hearing from Lucie anymore.
the vision of that fat little gimp from the club spinning into my brain and I gawp at Alexi’s
supposedly trusted, but even I know that won’t save anyone who betrays them. I don’t even have to wonder what happened to him. Lucie is probably fish food in concrete boots as we speak, as there is no way in hell the Carreros would let that shit
was feeding her information on which girl to target and it all makes sense. The jealous little prick thought we were screwing before we ever were. He
Complete wanker.
they knew the fire escape led from the office and
to talk. No doubt planning, dealing with
Jesus Christ.
An eye for an eye. Well within the code. A debt repaid on my terms.” Santagato breaks into my swirling thoughts and I snap my focus to him, that sadistic look in his eye that penetrates hers and I can tell he is looking forward to whatever he has planned. Alexi’s manipulation of that shooting paying off in a
coming together so effortlessly,
No ounce of fight in the ones who are not her blood, and no one stops them from leaving. I guess they'd already agreed
to sob desperately and try as I might to muster any kind of empathy for her, I cannot. She brought this on
is a tense silence as the men look from one to the other, yet no one moves to raise a hand. A murmur of low chatter as some whisper to one another, a wave of unease that travels around us as they come to a decision on what affects them all. It’s a treaty, and I guess with an important decision
King mode, cold and cruel and I can’t stand it. We need to get out of here before I throw up or pass out. I’ve had enough and as hard as I’m trying to keep myself
have seen a lot in my lifetime, but watching a woman being raped and tortured cuts too close to the bone and I just can’t. I start trembling again, praying Alexi would never expect me
every ounce of strength I can muster and on the verge of
no care to the fact she is female, and duct taped down for good measure. She thrashes and fights but it’s futile. They manhandle her roughly and one delivers a backhanded slap across her face to quieten her. The noise reverberating around the room and through me so I shudder
breathing. It’s a brutal reminder of what worth women have in this world. How sadistic and cruel these men are, and how lucky I am to have someone to
clinical, like something out of a gangster movie and I feel faint as my blood soars
calming measure because he can sense I’m flailing and circles the room until he gets to her side of the table. Walks up, parting the men out of his way so he has a clear path to her, and ends up by her side; leaning down so his mouth comes level with her ear, he looks right at me. That emotionless dark look of a
Read The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Chapter 188 TODAY
The novel The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) has been updated Chapter 188 with many unexpected details, removing many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author L.T.Marshall is very talented in making the situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 188 of the The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) HERE.
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Novel The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) Chapter 188
Novel The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance) by L.T.Marshall