It’s been twelve weeks since I met Jake Carrero and I’m no longer unsure around my over-familiar boss. In such a brief time, the forced proximity and grueling demands has carved out an amicable relationship that doesn’t completely offend me. I find him tolerable, sometimes even amusing. I’d go as far as saying companionable. I maybe even like him a little more than I ever imagined I could.

The full force of my job requirements came upon me in a tidal wave after the Hunter breakfast. Margo decided to throw me in the deep end as it was the only way to test my resolve and she had slowly been receding from the picture, until now. Now she is completely absent.

I run after him to meetings, carrying files and folders, a wealth of information always at my fingertips. Awaiting his commands, always up to speed with every detail he’s dealing with, always involved. He’s an exhausting workaholic with a very hand on approach, yet I’ve never been happier or more challenged. I’m content.

Trips are frequent and tiring and I spend my days in an endless flurry of typing, answering phones, having orders tossed at me and dealing with a hundred people via my iPad, iPhone, and laptop; all of which he thrust at me rather ceremoniously after the Hunter meeting.

I’m excelling at the control and efficiency and I’m starting to take it all in my stride. Despite acting like he’s Mr. Cool and laid back and takes nothing seriously, I was pleasantly surprised to find Jake is deeply embroiled in his father’s business. Surprised to find Mr. Carrero does in fact possess a very shrewd business brain and high IQ that contradicts how he presents himself. I guess that’s a part of his allure; he’s smart, sharp, and attentive, but wrapped up in casual charm and sexiness normally associated with dumb underwear models.

I’ve been privy to so many contracts and papers in such a short time that my head reels every night when I go to bed. I’ve lost the ability to switch off and I now lie awake, restless with things I need to get done the next day. Eager to go back to work. I’ve found so much more enjoyment in submerging myself in my new role than I ever found on the tenth floor.

Jake was right about identifying my skills; he pounced on them and uses them to full capacity every single day. He’s never boring to be around, that’s for sure.

My wardrobe has expanded hugely thanks to the skill of Donna Moore and I can’t say it’s unpleasant. Her taste is impeccable, and she has chosen things I would have bought for myself. Margo was right, it’s a perk that I am enjoying. I look forward to her frequent visits, laden with bags of clothes that Jake has assured her I need.

“Emma?” Jake’s voice cuts through my thoughts as I run through my schedule on the iPad in my hand, engrossed in shifting appointments to fit in an impromptu trip and emailing the changes to Rosalie to organize. She’s my new assistant, replacing me in my old position now Margo has retired. He’s just arrived back from an early lunch with one of his brainless bimbos and only walked in.

“Jake?” I answer without looking up, aware of his body heat close behind me. I am always aware of his proximity.

“I need the Hunter file.” His voice runs over me smoothly.

Donna; standing in the middle of my office which is right outside his.

moment, yet not the lunch date; some Hollywood actress turned country singer with endless legs and oversized boobs. I dislike

the Plaza, where she’s staying. I’ve arranged for the car to collect

and I give him an indulgent

of puppy.


an email reply from Rosalie pings to the top right corner of my tablet. She’s down at accounting

head; his breath moves my hair and it sends goosebumps over

see his face behind me. He’s glaring past me toward the wall of glass in the outer hallway as a group of suited men and women make their way toward us from the elevators. They haven’t seen us yet, as their view is impaired from the angle. Jake swipes me around the waist and halls me backward, causing me to almost drop


still caught in his arm, he pulls me backward lifting my feet from the floor. My arms flail with the sudden kidnapping, and I

he does stuff like this! He has no concept of personal space or how inappropriate it is to manhandle your PA. He manhandles me way more than I ever thought possible. This is often a daily occurrence in some way or another and he sees nothing

me toward the rarely used door of his office into his second room with apology. It’s a changing room come office that I’ve never actually

couches, leaving me heaving in the middle of the floor like a

caught in while I steady my breath. I run my hands down my skirt, trying to un-wrinkle my clothes now

want to see him.” He shrugs at me as though it’s all the explanation I

know that several heated calls have taken place in the last few days when the Hunter merger become public. I learned quickly how strained the father-son relationship is and it’s not the

tell them you’re not here then?” I snap and keep my voice low. I hate when he grabs me,

you to just ask me to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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