That’s true. See, he’s a good shrink … he seems to understand.

“What’s wrong with me?”

That’s a good question to ask a shrink, as I want to know.

His face appears above me and I jump a little in fright; I wasn’t expecting him so suddenly, maybe it wasn’t sudden. I have been taking long pauses to daydream between replies. This is a weird angle, but even down here he looks gorgeous.

Why can’t you look ugly from at least one angle, Carrero? Even the odds up a little. Maybe have a double chin or something.

“Nothing … You deserve so much more than someone like him.” He seems serious, and just hot. Too hot.

“I’m part of him … I have his blood … But he didn’t want to know me.” I sigh dejectedly as he moves from above me and on to the couch beside me; he has a glass which clinks with ice and slides it on the low table to my left. He sits near my head so he can look down at my face and he’s no longer smiling. He seems blank.

“Does he want to know you now? Is that why he called?” he frowns once more, watching me pensively.

“He wants money.” I point out as a matter of fact.

Yes, as much as he can lay his grubby little hands on. Filthy, scum bag, gold digger.

“Money?” he pauses to watch me. His tone that of surprise.

“He thinks I’m loaded, because I’m always in the papers … with you … Probably thinks we’re in love.” I laugh at this little fact, but Jake doesn’t laugh, he just goes on watching me and sips from his own mug before looking lost in thought. I can smell coffee and guess he’s not drunk at all.

“Why are you chewing your lip like that?” I ask him, reaching up and prodding him gently in the dimple again. Jake has a touchable face. I’ve never noticed before how much his face cries out to be touched; there’s a beauty about his features, even his designer stubble, that makes your fingers itch to trace the lines and curves. He has a dimple on each side that should be investigated.

“I’m thinking, Emma … stop poking me in the face, woman,” he chides with a frown and I push at it a little harder with my pointer finger, irritated at him calling me “woman”.


you?” he catches my finger and pushes it down. He has a

Mr. Hands-On, Carrero!

decide to lay still to see if it will pass. I lay watching his green eyes in the dim light and wonder what he’s thinking about. Mesmerized by the way his eyes change with his moods. Sometimes they’re dark and almost brown, other times pale and almost aqua. Normally, they’re a very bright, almost emerald green. When

in an odd way, and I can still see the hint of a frown; I stifle the

deep male tone. “What’s

exasperating! I like Jake. I’m glad he’s my boss! I think

very little sense, and your grabby hands are a little distracting. I think I need

he mean, “grabby

thing. He sighs, pushing me to note he’s closer, leaning down to peer at my face

at my own joke. It’s rather

Crane … Crone

with me anymore. I notice that when he moves his jaw in

Ear wiggling … Special

I giggle again.

me, looking at me in a “what am I going to do with my plastered PA” kind of way. I reach up

Damn, he’s quick.

Cartierro leave my fingers alone,” I sound

is one of his favorite places to spend huge amounts of money on leggy dates


smile, it’s so delicious. I want

much fun as you are drunk, I think I’ll get more sense out of you over breakfast.” He puts his mug down on the table with a

I pout,

have a duty of care.”

I’m sure my childhood sulky face still exists, I’m pretty sure it’s making a comeback. I try and swat his face and hands as he reaches to help

He runs his fingers through his styled hairdo, messing it up. I think he’s frustrated with me, but I don’t care as I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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