The crew was under orders to keep out of the way; he didn’t want her feeling intimidated by them. He knew she wasn’t someone who liked wealth being a showy thing, and he was damned if he was going to make her uncomfortable with anything while here. She had been forewarned that he was taking care of anything and everything, including shopping trips if she wanted them. He had felt like an ass as she had blinked at him, aching to argue but in this, his word was final. Date or not, he was old-fashioned, he paid for his girl. Even if he wasn’t sleeping with her.

His friends had all been forewarned to behave; no jokes about being his secretary or any of the men trying their luck. He would literally beat them to death with their own shoes if they tried. He hadn’t exactly been happy to see Marissa in tow with Vincent. He had no idea what her fucking game was being on this boat, but he sure as hell wasn’t being drawn into any little Marissa games. Vincent was an idiot, he should have known she would sucker one of the twins, they’d always trawled along after her in hopes of a date.

He hadn’t seen her since the night he had stupidly got drunk and fucked her, not that he could remember. He had no clue how he had even ended up with her that night, he must have been royally messed up and if she thought there would ever be a repeat, she was wrong. He would throw her overboard if she got in his way. He was happy to ignore her presence, knowing it would annoy her more than having her escorted off. Emma need never know anything about her or who she ever was to him. It was history and nothing he would ever rehash.

Daniel was keeping his distance, just like Jake had told him to. Emma wasn’t one of his playthings, and he knew better than to cross Jake.

There were six of them with Jake and Emma on the boat, he figured a crowd would give him more chance to get time alone with her than just another couple of people. With them were Daniel in all his tanned blond glory and the twins, Vincent and Richard, white-blond hair and gray eyes, all American good looks and square shoulders on all three.

Leila was wandering about on deck having some sort of bitchy glaring competition with Marissa and Miracle, Daniel’s porn star, and this was the last thing he needed. At least Leila wasn’t being viperous to Hunter for once. Seemed things had finally cooled down with them after months of frosty glares. Being in the same place again without toxic warfare was pretty great. He would have to warn her about starting anything with either girl, not that he worried Leila couldn’t handle them, the exact opposite in fact. If Leila flew off the handle, it would be an airlift to the coast ER for two females and Leila wouldn’t be one. He had bad memories of Leila taking on some of Daniel’s dates in the past and flying bottles.

into his shorts while he had dodged her mouth. She was fuckable, but as soon as her hands had been on him all he could think about was Emma. He knew Daniel wouldn’t care if he

* * *

against the railing in a coral bikini and some flimsy wrap around her hips that kept flapping open to reveal long sexy legs. Even for a small girl, her legs looked endless. She was the most perfect sight on and

to Miracle and Marissa’s breasts lounging on deck, didn’t see anything except Emma and her completely intoxicating body, much more appealing even covered than either of the brunettes. Creamy skin and curves of perfection. He was definitely horny as hell now, just looking at her made his insides want to explode. He wasn’t one for self-pleasuring to get sexual gratification but right now, with her in mind, he would happily go back to his room for some

he had ever thought he could handle Emma in bikinis was beyond him. He should’ve known it would be hell on earth to be around

from view by his Ray-Bans and trying to control every ounce of his body like the expert he was. Years of self-control finally having a use. He was watching that makeup free face and wondering why she ever

had to look away from the way her lips cupped the rim. An

a horny

thinking and trying not to skim her body visually. He needed to disrupt this view somehow and get his head back in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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