Chapter 130

Throughout the meal, Dorothy had half a mind to ask him what the hell he meant by what he just said. But in the end, she kept it all bottled up inside.

Right now she should be going all out to find evidence, not getting distracted by these wild thoughts.

After dinner, Everett got dragged away by a phone call

But before that, he made sure to drop Dorothy back at Karen’s place. However, like a broken record, he repeated that she had to move back to Bay Residence by tomorrow at the latest

After returning to her room, her mind was a mess. She couldn’t make heads or sails of anything

Suddenly, her phone rang

It was Bella.

“Back from your business trip?”

“Uh–huh, but work’s been crazy, so I haven’t had a chance to come and see you

Bella chuckled. “You do your thing. If you don’t have time, there’s no need to come see me. I’m still kicking!”

She didn’t want another person to worry about

everything here, then III come

tell him. You’ve been so

paused, not saying a

mom everything after her surgery. But she didn’t have the energy to deal with her mom right

I don’t want to

to be kept busy, not idle, so you can

could do was sigh at her mom’s preaching

got it”

feeling you’re tired today? Dorothy, did something happen?” Bella finally

want to say anything, but

ever seen that

was met with silence on

quickly asked, “Mom

you asking about her out of the blue?”

just want to see what she looks


She’s just a sly for Same goes for her daughter Bella’s anger shot up at

put on a brave face. “Mom, do you think… Could I look a bit like that bastard child?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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