The drama kicked off with a hearse from the local funeral home rolling into the hospital...

As soon as the press caught wind of it, they swarmed the hospital like bees to honey!

"Is Mr. Everett Lopez really dead?"

"Why has a funeral home vehicle arrived? Who are they here for?"

"Why is Lopez Corporation keeping everything under wraps?"

The executives at Lopez Corporation remained tight-lipped, refusing to answer any questions, and barred the media from entering the hospital.

The news channels were abuzz with speculations about the CEO of Lopez Corporation, airing the story repeatedly.

It seemed they were determined to make sure everyone in Eldorria City, if not the entire country, knew something major was going down at Lopez Corporation. Especially when Dorothy appeared at the hospital entrance clad in black, the media pounced on her like vultures -

"Please, just answer our questions!"


the CEO of Lopez

the male reporters even

all saw

We've been camped out here for

was getting restless,

this unfold on TV, Lane couldn't

"Everett, dead."

the screen,

continue, Dorothy appeared on TV, walking out of the hospital holding a child's hand. Despite her sunglasses, it was evident she had been cryingo Lane

you he was dead! Dorothy's in tears, it must be

suddenly said, "Good,

taken aback.

to see if Everett was truly dead. Now that he is, my

leave, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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