The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 184

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 184: Charles’ Wishes

The Hendersons had a pleasant evening, with Keith’s parents getting to know Karise. They asked about her work, her family, and her friends. They also inquired about how she managed her time. They were surprised how she only hired one nanny when Keith could get her two at the very least.

“I like my time with Kamila,” Karise replied. She turned to the stroller where her baby was sleeping and added, “It makes me feel complete knowing I attended to her needs, even if it’s just a few hours a day. So on one weekend, just like now, I give the nanny her time off.”

“And I like how Kamila can recognize me.” Karise’s eyes gleamed as she described, “When she smiles at Keith and me, it’s like she knows we are her parents!”

“And she’d blabber endlessly when we are around her, and Keith – oh, you should see Keith trying to make her laugh,” Karise fished for her phone, finding those videos and showing them to Charles and Helen.

Helen and Charles smiled, seeing another side of Keith. In that video, Keith was making faces and weird sounds while Kamila laughed genuinely at her father.

It made Helen teary-eyed again. She said, “Wow, I can’t believe this is my son.” Glancing at Keith, she declared, “I’m proud of you, Keith, and what you have become – a good father.”

Just then, Kamila woke up. Karise and Keith both got up, working together. Keith went to the living room to make milk while Karise carried the baby, soothing her.

When Keith returned, he already had a milk bottle, and Karise smiled at him, saying, “Thanks, Babe.” 1

Keith winked at Karise, replying, “Welcome, Babe.” i

Both Helen and Charles looked at each other with approving nods. It wasn’t just that. They saw how Keith had offered to help Karise clean off Kamila after she had a dirty diaper. He did things that their previously indulged son had never done before.


After dinner, Karise, Keith, and his parents returned to the living room, resuming their chat.

was sleeping again after feeding and changing diapers. Charles said, “It’s been a long time

her hand stretched out,

at that?” Helen said. “Amazing.

think she knows it’s her grandpa,” Karise suggested, and her

this is our movie,” Helen proposed. “Watching my grandchild sleep.” She got up and said, “Let me get some tea for all

began to cover Charles’ illness. At

about the

months ago. At first, I was in

know how your dad can be stubborn,” Helen

cough, so we were referred to another doctor and told it was stage four cancer. I refused to believe it, even when I

only got sicker, and I could not walk normally anymore. We asked for a second opinion and then a third, but the findings were the same. I learned that cancer had spread to my spine too, so I could not walk properly. I had started with chemo with another doctor, but the kind of drug given to me just made me sick to my gut. I could not stand it. I felt I would die with the drug and not cancer. I stopped and looked for another doctor.” Charles sighed, saying,

to go there because I knew I would have an encounter with Shantelle, but in the end, I had no choice. Doctor Dultz was said to be the best oncologist, especially for lung cancer.” He shook his head and conveyed, “He explained that cancer has already spread. It would have helped if the cancer was still contained in my lungs and the affected lung could be removed, but in my

will try another chemo drug – an oral one,” Charles revealed. He became emotional again as he said, “Doctor Dultz suggested

you round the clock, strictly implement health protocol in the house,

all the resources we need. Let’s use it, and hopefully, you’ll live longer than the doctor’s prognosis or, who knows,

can help, Dad.” With me, Karise, and Kamila now around you, have more strength to fight this,”

He wept again, hearing Keith

’ Kamila

‘ Name it,

here every weekend, but of course, Dad, if we get sick, we must

love that idea!” Helen

acknowledged. “That idea of seeing my

can you and Karise stay with us?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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