The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 189

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 189

Chapter 189: Lucas Giving Back

Evan smiled, seeing the honeymoon photos Sean had sent him. He read his friend’s

text: [Thank you, man. We love it!)

He had gifted Sean a honeymoon package at the Caribean Sales. That was why Sean

made an effort to send him pictures as gratitude. The man texted back, saying: [Enjoy

you two.)

The man was inside his twin’s nursery when Sean sent him messages. He put his

phone on the dresser and turned to his twins. He announced, “Okay, it’s time for a


Shantelle was holding Amelia in the sofa bed, chuckling. She encouraged Evan,

saying, ’Go, Daddy!”

Behind Shantelle, Lucas laughed, adding, “Go, Daddy! I have their clothes!”

Marcus was walking around, stacking toys in one comer of the nursery. He was so

busy, he did not notice Evan creep up behind him and carrying his weight.

The twins, Amelia and Marcus, were already over a year old and were very energetic.

Getting them into a bath was a challenge, all the more putting them into their clothes.

Once in a while, Shantelle and Evan try to do their parental duties without the

caregivers or the maids. While it felt like a marathon, it was fulfilling.

“You are the first to take a bath, buddy!’ Evan declared while holding Marcus.

Lucas helped remove Marcus’ clothes and walked with Evan into the bathroom, where

a portable tub had already been prepared.

Evan took the demanding role since Shantelle was pregnant. He didn’t want her to

have an accident while bathing the twins.

While Evan bathed Marcus, Lucas entertained his baby brother with bath toys.

Marcus, on the other hand, kept blabbing and giggling. Sometimes he would splash

Evan with water and Lucas too.

“You love bathing, don’t you, Marcus?” Evan asked.

“Bat!” Marcus yelled. ’Dadada!”

“And you love it when Daddy gives you a bath, right baby?” Evan asked while he

quickly lathered soap around Marcus and cleaned him off. Next, he drained the mini

tub’s soapy water and rinsed Marcus thoroughly.

Lucas was ready with the towel, holding it up, saying, “I can carry Marcus, Daddy.”

“Ah.” While Lucas was tall, Evan did not want to take any chances. He said, “When

you are ten years old, Lucas.”

but followed Evan back to the

Lucas inserted his baby brother’s diaper

saying, ‘Good brother,

help each other put on Marcus’ pajamas, the man

thoroughly until


to put the twins to sleep, they gathered

they settled on a sofa bed. It was Shantelle’s time to do her task,

story to the

Shantelle’s arms, paying

for the book and bit a stuffed toy that

simply restless. Still, Evan tried his

twins to get used

they would grow to

in the same room the entire time, listening to Shantelle

Evan chase after Marcus.


her evening milk and sang a song

asleep in no

for Marcus, he was another story. He

constantly and wiggling his

walk around. He will get tired eventually,” Shantelle

follow him around, Daddy. You can sit down and rest,’ Lucas offered.

few minutes, Shantelle and Evan merely watched Lucas as

bumping into corners or putting

a yawn, Shantelle

Amelia fall asleep, Shantelle sang to her boy and

his evening milk.

wanted to pat Marcus to bed, and Shantelle let

crib and rubbed his back.

be comforted that way to sleep. Evan thought his son

and he couldn’t help but

at that point. Evan did not know why or what force

eye and continue to admire him. Suddenly, Marcus’

opened brighter.


son was

is he awake?’

mildly swaying him to sleep. He

“I -1.1 looked him in the

Evan. You know this already. Never look at a


admiring his cuteness, and I ended

and then, he

He was awake

proposed, “Let’s work together. Mommy,

Shaw, we pretend

the sofa bed. It was a kind that could be pulled out


Marcus while Evan set up the sofa bed. They all lay

Marus in the

pretended to be asleep, and so

the leg

tried to play with his parents at first, smiling and smacking their faces,

react, he yawned

Marcus fell asleep.

the crib, Lucas said,” We

together. Mommy, Daddy!”

being a good brother

Mommy and Daddy,” Evan said.” We love you for being a loving

helpful son to us.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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