The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 193

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 193

Chapter 192: Some Never Change

“Welcome to the company,” Evan said with a smirk, seeing Keith walk into his office.

Somehow, he knew his friend would be coming over that he had already set up a table next to his. Evan said, “I hope you are okay with using only Wifi. Setting up a LAN cable takes a while.”

“Wifi is good,” Keith answered while getting into place.

More than two weeks had gone by since Charles passed away. Keith had to return to work. However, the CEO office of Prima MedCare reminded him so much of his father. It was fine for Keith to return home to the

Hendersons’ mansion. As needed, he let himself cry, but work was work. Keith needed a better place to get him to concentrate, and that was how he wound up in Evan’s office for the past two days.

Evan allowed his friend to deal with his grief. To Evan, it was okay as long as Keith wasn’t directing his grief the wrong way.

“Everything okay at home?” Evan asked.

Keith had just opened his laptop. He smiled at Evan, saying, “Yes. We are slowly accepting things. I think we are going to stay at the old mansion permanently. It will help US with Mom.” 1

“Yeah, I think that’s also great. Aunt Helen won’t feel so alone,” Evan commented.

“Karise is still on leave, and I think she will try to get an extended vacation – maternity plus bereavement.” He leaned back, adding, “I didn’t realize we were all exhausted with everything.”

“Hmm. Sean and I could still check on Prima MedCare if you needed more rest,” Evan offered.

Over the past few weeks, Evan and Sean had periodically visited Keith’s company, keeping tabs on the operation. It abled Keith to still focus on his father, and when Charles died, it allowed him to mourn without feeling the pressure of the board of directors.

Keith glanced at Evan and assured him, “I’m good, Evan. Don’t worry about me. Every day, I feel better, and my little girl is starting to communicate, lifting the weight off my chest.”

“Charlene?” Evan clarified.

“Yeah, she is awake often now. She has the same eyes as me. I feel like I’m looking at myself when I look at her. Do you know what’s strange?

Whenever I take her to Dad’s room, she often smiles and looks around,” Keith revealed. “Do you believe in angels?”

Keith shook his head and said, “You must think I am crazy.”

“I don’t know what happens to US in the afterlife, but I think that before we die, we may affect people’s lives that a part of US will always remain. It could be that Charlene recalled her grandpa. I don’t know,” Evan suggested.

Keith simply smiled and added, “Then, I guess, as my little girls grow up, I’ll just tell them about their grandpa.”

“That’s an even better idea,” Evan said.

The two friends returned to work after their short chat. Sean would join them now and then. However, since Evan did not have a table for Sean, he would return to his private space for work.

In the aftertoon, Keith’s assistant dropped by to give documents to his boss, and it was during that time when Evan received a relevant call.

Evan picked up the phone and answered reluctantly. It was from a correctional officer he had employed and paid yearly to get an update about one particular hazard in his life.

“Yes?” Evan asked.

“Sir, we just wanted you to know that Nicole Lively has been released from prison,” the man said on the other line. Immediately, Evan felt chills down his spine. He didn’t even realize that Nicole had already served her complete sentence.

Sure, Evan did not want to keep hate in his heart, but this woman was different. To him, this woman ruined many of his chances to be with his now wife.

“Where is she headed now?” Evan asked in a chilly tone.

“Her father picked her up earlier, Sir,” the prison guard said. “She said something about going to Switzerland. I stood on guard at the gates when she left.”

“Nicole mentioned something about seeing a doctor in Zurich. Doctor Collete, something. It was a bit hard to pronounce, but it sounded like Cavendish?” The correctional officer described. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

‘TH have the airport guard spot them. Thank you for the update,” Evan responded.

After ending the call, he immediately searched for the doctor’s name.

There was no match for Doctor Collete Cavendish, but he did find someone closer enough.

“Dr. Colette Camenisch,” Evan read. “Is the leading board-certified plastic surgeon in Switzerland. She pioneered vaginal cosmetic surgery, vaginal rejuvenation, and -”

Evan’s heart raced, reading the last part, “is said to be the best doctor of choice for facial reconstructive surgery.”

wondered where the Campbells got their funds when he had done everything to destroy their businesses and connections. They should have only enough to feed

Why was Nicole going to see a

His friend might have noticed

out from prison, and it looks like she is heading for another facial surgery,”

need to know how the Campbells have money to go to

prison. Rose Hills

The investigator came to his office, revealing documents. He said, “Nicole Lively met

do we do, Sir?” The

have solid proof they were out to get him, he concluded it. Why would

thought that some people never learn and they never change. They did not deserve

the private investigator, Evan commissioned more people to look into the Turners and to catch Nicole Lively red-handed for whatever plans she

tight in the next few weeks for Evan and his family, but finally, the schemes surfaced

plastic surgeon to copy Doctor Shantelle Scott’s face. Videos over the internet of the plastic surgeon speaking through an interview. She said, “I told her that no doctor can entirely copy a person’s face. We can keep operating on her face, but her bones won’t change, and a lot more. However, she is asking me to help her commit fraud! I did not want to do it! Miss Lively got

from the attack on the plastic

under the same name,

when Jessica Turner

and witnesses who surrendered. Jessica’s old assistant had been forced

Jessica wanted revenge against Evan, while Nicole simply wanted Evan. An attempt to change Nicole’s face was only

up in a maximum prison facility. At the same time, Jessica had another criminal case to deal with.

loud and clear, the man personally went to see Nicole and Jessica in prison. In

the man added, “And conspiracy to

He said, “I’ll ensure you never get out of here. You and Jessica will

you ruined all our plans,”

my fault. It was Nicole. She convinced me

you commit inside and forever keep filing lawsuit after lawsuit.” He grunted


against Nicole and Jessica were finalized, Evan rested for

have to learn to be cruel. They weren’t going to change, Shanty. They weren’t. I needed to protect you and our kids. I even had

understand. Let’s continue to live fruitfully, but still, be mindful of our enemies,” Shantelle said. Turning to her husband, Shantelle said, “Thank you for protecting me and

Chapter 193: Birthing Journey

echoed inside the room. Doctor Patel measured the crying newborn’s weight on a scale and announced, “Six point four

Evan commended before

in the morning. Her name was Amara Shane, as recommended by Wendell and

Shantelle, there was no need to leave her child’s care at the nursery since she could already get up. The painful part of giving birth was already

Doctor Shant,” the pediatrician said while listening

wasn’t the one who

bond Evan and Shatnelle had formed with Lucas’ hematologist pediatrician, they requested the same doctor to be their

She cried louder, making the doctor say, “I’m almost

she wants

Patel chuckled. As he wrapped Amara in her swaddle blanket, he said, “Not when she is sucking

amusing the doctor. Doctor Patel

saying, “Congratulations to your baby

never know, and if we don’t get

“The nurses will check her sucking reflex in the next few hours. Rest her well, skin to skin.

responded. Then

kangaroo care with her, relishing

over and rested Amara on his bare chest, covering her with a small blanket to

minute, watching her husband and their new bundle of joy. Her eyes gleamed, especially delighted at how their newborn held on to Evan’s finger.

their children stayed at the Scotts’ mansion. Thus, Lucas, Amelia, and Marcus were in good

that Amara Shane?” Lucas asked. “I used to think Amelia

“Her face will still change. We

wanna hold her too,” Lucas said on the

We will be

noticed the notification on her phone. It was a message from Sean which read: [Reese is giving birth. We are on our way to

my god!” Shantelle exclaimed, shocking

“Wifey?” Evan complained.

her baby girl’s head and said to her

water broke, and she’s in pain. I don’t know if you can read this, but

she is giving birth. Our children will

Sean reacts to Reese

warn him?”

chuckling. “Besides, I just experienced it myself. You had a C-section the last time. Keith didn’t warn

her baby too?” Lucas asked.

He said, “Amazing! It’s like having a twin! Amara and Aunt Reese’s baby will have the same birthday! They will have parties

do a lot together,” Shantelle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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