The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Take Me Home

“Shanty! Are you excited about your going away party!” Karise said with glee. Her short black hair bounced as she jumped at the idea.

Shantelle had just arrived at her best friend‘s home. She had called her days before, informing her that her family was leaving Rose Hills permanently. They cried over the phone, but soon, they covered the bright future ahead of Shantelle. It was more than enough to lighten up their mood.

“Shants!” Celeste, another girl with red hair, exclaimed. “I can‘t believe I‘m taking my prim and proper girl out to a club!”

Felice, Shantelle‘s other friend, flew all the way from another city to see her that day. She said, “I am going to teach you how to dance, bitch!”

Karise, Celeste, and Felice were Shantelle‘s college friends, which she had neglected since her marriage with Evan. Her world revolved around Evan, and she missed out on all the good fun during her last year in college. The four friends changed into dresses and put on their makeup at Karise‘s house. After which, they left for the most exclusive club in town, LEX.

Immediately, when they found a table, they all ordered their drinks. Shantelle wasn‘t much of a drinker, but her friends were, especially Felice and Karise.

“Here‘s some mojito!” Felice handed her another glass. “Get some courage, girl. We will find you a fine young man – yes, that‘s right, a younger man. Evan is old. You deserve someone hotter!”

“Yeah, he may be the richest man in town, but he ain‘t the hottest!” Karise remarked, encouraging laughter in their group.

so happy you are finally going to take medicine, Shanty. Come back when you become a famous surgeon and show Evan what he lost!” Celeste

The three girls said in

comes, I won‘t even care,” Shantelle faintly said. Then

all drank up while the music

not take long for the girls to hit the dance floor. All of them had the boost of confidence they needed. Karise, who made

ass who is single and ready to mingle!” “Wohooo!” Shantelle‘s friends hooted, making her flush thoroughly. Soon, a tall man with dirty blond hair came up to Shantelle. He had striking features; inviting grey–colored eyes and chiseled jaws. The same man asked, “May I have

Shantelle turned, she gasped. Her eyes widened, “Keith! What – what are

said,” Congratulations. You are free again. May I say you married too young? Don‘t ever think this divorce was such a waste.” “Oooh, hottie. Nice pick, Shanty. Still, he looks old,”

snorted as she replied, “He is Evan‘s friend. So, yeah, he is a bit old.” She danced along with Keith. The man shook his head as he said, “I don‘t look that old. I look so much more

– dating your friend‘s ex–wife. Besides, we just divorced. It would be inappropriate

the direction of his friends, and so when Shantelle saw Nicole

will only boost his confidence. He is that way because he knows you will always be there for him, but that‘s going to change, right?” “You should get used to seeing me more often instead,” Keith added with a sly

her eyes at him. She asked,

I‘ll be seeing you in Warlington,” Keith said with a smirk. “Who do you

Keith or his father could easily connect her father to any hospital in the country. She sucked in a breath

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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