The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 5

Chapter 5: She Left

“Sweetheart, if he can’t appreciate you, then he doesn’t deserve you,” Doctor William Scott said. “I’m glad you have come to that decision.”

William and Eleanor Scott embraced their weeping daughter inside the Scotts family mansion.

“I loved him, dad, mom. How I wish it did not have to end this way -” Shantelle expressed, but her mother cut her off.

“But more importantly, you have to love yourself,” Eleanor suggested.

As Shantelle pulled away from her parents, her father suggested, “It’s time to put yourself first, my dearest Shanty.”

“When you married Evan, you lost yourself – your dreams and aspirations. I know you loved Evan, but there’s more to life than that boy.” William lifted Shantelle’s chin and suggested, “You deserve better.”

If it were two years ago, William would have wanted Evan as a son-in-law, but since Shantelle married him, he saw through her sadness. In the first few months of their marriage, his daughter was still elated at being with Evan. However, as the months passed, he could see Shantelle’s longing to be loved.

Recently, she has been crying more often. She lost so much weight and was never interested in anything else but following Evan around. It pained William to see his daughter this way.

Shantelle was never lacking in love. Everyone around her loved her! For his daughter to feel so unwanted – to become doubtful of herself hurt William the most. He had long been asking Shantelle to get a divorce, but she always insisted that their marriage was getting better, day by day. Of course, that was not what he saw.

Finally, they were going to be separated. He did not care who initiated it. What mattered most was how his daughter would be free to live her life. He urged, “Let’s leave this town. Let’s relocate to where you can pursue medicine.”

William smiled and suggested, “Become a surgeon like me.”

In William’s view, taking Shantelle away was the best solution. His daughter may appear strong right now, decided on the separation, but he knew well that Evan was her weakness. She could easily crawl back into his arms, and it wasn’t because his daughter had no brain. She was too in love with Evan, and it clouded her judgment.

time, she weakly replied,

“Then your mother and I will prepare for everything. I’ll have the house for sale. I don’t want us

dad. That would mean – your work?”

will sell my shares at the university. I can easily find work elsewhere, being the best cardio surgeon in the

Surgeons,” he revealed. “As soon as I can find a home, I’ll


Days passed.

the hospital because of pneumonia the other day. May I please be allowed to review the documents at the hospital?” James, Evan’s assistant, asked. “I will bring my laptop with

had been so exhausted recently. He shook his head and suggested, “Take two days off and attend to your mother. I’ll ask Sherly to

eyes lit up. He quickly bowed and said, “Thank you, sir Thompson. Thank you so

hand, saying, “Go. Take care of

a leave,” James said. “May I recommend that you also

for many nights? He glanced at his private room next to the office and gasped. Maybe he needed a good sleep – at home, the same home he shared

home for more than a week. It was beyond the time

out. He turned to James and

sir. Goodnight,” James said



Mister Thompson, you have been staying too much in the office. You used up all your spare clothes!” Mrs. Shaw said. “Have you eaten dinner? I can

suggested she prepare his dinner, he frowned and

divorce papers, but she had always attended to his needs, even when they were arguing. The fact that she did

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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