The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Misunderstand

The double doors abruptly opened, resulting in them banging against the wall. Mrs. Shaw and Nicole snapped their heads in Evan‘s direction.

Evan.” Nicole jolted in her stance as she called his name. “You – you startled us! Thank

goodness you returned early.”

Nicole still had a butterfly tape on her cheek. Part of her eye bag was still swollen with a purple tint on her skin. The crack on her lips had dried. Overall, she was better compared to how she was severely battered over a week ago.

She pointed to the clothes scattered on the sofa and then to an empty box, saying, “You were probably too busy that you failed to pack Shantelle‘s clothes. So I did it for you.” When Evan did not answer, Nicole walked up to him and described, “The villa is amazing. It will be a good environment for me to heal better. With you –”

“What are you doing here, Nicole?!” In an ice–cold tone, Evan asked. His voice raised while he was at it.

“Evan? We – we talked about this, right?” Nicole said. “Evan, I was raped and assaulted because you left me at the club! I need a nurturing environment to get better. Aside from my wounds, my emotional trauma –”

“I never said! That you could live here!” Evan shot back, the veins on his neck protruding as he spoke. “This is mine and Shantelle‘s home!”

Nicole was taken aback. Her eyes widened at Evan‘s words. Her voice broke in and out as she replied, “Shantelle? But, Evan, you already divorced her.”

“It doesn‘t change the fact that this was our home. My father bought this as our marital home! Out of respect for Shantelle, I would never let another woman live here!” Evan announced. “And whoever told you I wanted Shantelle‘s clothes out of our bedroom? Did you really put your clothes in there?!”

politely rejecting it! Can‘t you take a hint?” Evan added. His eyes immediately shifted to the direction

met as he thought,

was traumatized, and I only felt safe around

ordered, “I want you to get your things out. I‘ll ask Howard to take you to your apartment.” Nicole‘s eyes widened. She said, “But Evan, I‘m afraid. I‘m afraid of being alone. I might have nightmares about how I was badly beaten and raped! We went out at the club together, but you

saying, “Evan, I would not be like this if you had not left me at the club. I was in an unfamiliar place – Evan, please.


he also thought, ‘So I have to sacrifice my personal life because

the most powerful seat in

that mistake with my personal life – my private space. Please go to your apartment. I will hire a caregiver and security guard for you. I‘ll ask my assistant to


Her eyes watered as she entered the private

but he would never. He did not judge Nicole just yet, but why did it feel like she was using the assault incident to force

disappeared into the road, Evan returned to the villa. Seeing the maids, he instructed, “Please

sir,” one

else you should know,”

turned to Mrs. Shaw with his heart racing. ‘What else could it be?‘ He absolutely did not like the worried expression of Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. Shaw pressed her lips. Then, she revealed, “Just before you arrived, the Misses.” She still resumed addressing Shantelle as the “Misses” of the house. Strangely, Evan did not

me about a ring she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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