The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 17

Chapter 17: Forget Evan

“How was the first day in medical school?” Shantelle was beyond shocked to find Keith Henderson leaning against a BMW sports car in front of her school.

He looked striking in a white Chinese–collared shirt, grey coat, and trousers. His dirty blond hair was brushed up neatly, and his face was clean–shaven.

“I look great, don’t I?” He teased. Seeing how Shantelle studied him closely, a sly grin formed on his face.

“What – what are you doing here?” She asked, ignoring his comment.

“I am on a business trip. Prima MedCare has over ten thousand policyholders in Warlington, and I plan to strengthen our company’s hold here in the city,” Keith revealed.

When Shantelle raised a brow at him, he chuckled. He said, “Oh, you mean, here? In front of your school?”

“I asked Doctor Scott where you were. I was going to see him anyway, so I decided to pick you up. I know your father has yet to hire a driver,” Keith said. “I’m in town for two months. I can be your driver.”

Shantelle shook her head and said, “You don’t need to. I can get a taxi –”

“I’m heading to Warlington Hospital. You can ride in a taxi, pay a taxi fare and put your trust in a stranger, or you can ride with me… for free,” Keith pointed out.

“Fine.” Surrendering to Keith’s offer, she rolled her eyes and went straight to the car’s passenger side.

While on the road, they were silent. When they were nearing the hospital, Keith announced, There is something you should know about Nicole –”


“That she is living with Evan in our marital home? I know,” Shantelle said while looking out the window.

“What?!” That information took Keith aback. He answered, “I don’t think –”

“I heard it loud and clear. Nicole picked up the landline when I called Mrs. Shaw, our house caretaker,” Shantelle reported, still avoiding his gaze.

said, “I don’t know

for hours, feeling the pain in her chest coming back all over

Keith tried again.


promised me, Keith. Back at the club. You would not tell Evan where I am, and here in Warlington, let’s not talk about

not agree on the latter,

mind about Evan and Rose Hills. This is my life now,

Keith, but loving him is too painful. Again, I came here to

eyes on


they were nearing the hospital, Shantelle took the opportunity

us to your debut,” Keith reminded. “Besides, we’ve known each other

at my eighteenth birthday party.” Keith laughed as he turned off

our list of

the glass door of his office and seeing Shantelle sitting

tell anyone in Rose

a month ago. Doctor Scott called him, asking if he could connect him with Warlington Hospital. So when Keith found out the same hospital was in need of a new medical

close to Evan, but you promised, and your offer was very attractive.” Immediately, Keith felt regretful. Earlier, he was this close to telling Shantelle about how Nicole turned out to be a psycho who had staged

Yes, Erick and I are partly to be blamed – me for allowing the marriage and Erick for forcing it on them, but to me, Evan

talented, and she took a lot from me. We both have the same dream: to save people’s lives. Shanty has to become a doctor. If anything is going on in Rose Hills that you

I want you to

going back to Rose Hills… unless it’s a matter of life and death,” William added. Shantelle’s father then looked at Keith, and seeing him

reflecting on what Doctor Scott said. When Shantelle’s father noticed, he decided to give his two cents on the matter. “Doctor

“He never wanted

Wendell. He was going to travel across the country and establish branches for their financial entity. We were going to attend most, if not all, Grand Prixs. We were going to travel to the Bahamas – but that all changed

Evan’s decision of divorcing Shanty, but –” Keith paused before resuming, “A part of

added, “I think you and Uncle Erick should have

why I am changing things now,” William interrupted Keith. “I acknowledge where we made a mistake in the past. That is why my daughter should

A day passed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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