The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Goodbye Evan

When morning came, Evan woke up to find Shantelle dressed in one of her clothes. She had not brought home all of her dresses. Those that he had given her in the past remained in their closet.

For a second, he studied her slender frame. He admitted she had a beautiful body.

“Do you want me to have Howard send all of your clothes?” Evan asked, referring to the Thompson‘s family driver. He sat up, showing off his well–defined chest. Shantelle had just zipped up her dress. She did not turn to Evan when she answered, “I won’t need them.”

Shaking his head, he said, “Shanty. Don‘t be like this –” “I won‘t need them,” she repeated firmly, finally looking at him. “I better go, Evan. My parents are waiting for me.” “I‘ll take you,” Evan offered.

“No.” Shantelle pursed her lips and suggested. “It‘s not a good idea. I can take a cab.”

Evan furrowed his brows. He suggested, “If you don‘t want me, then I can have Howard –”

“No, I can take a cab,” she repeated.

“Okay. If you insist,” Evan responded with a pained expression. He observed as Shantelle was about to leave, then he recalled something important. He cleared his throat and reminded,” Shanty, you are still taking contraceptives, right? Last night, I –”

He raked his fingers through his hair, saying, “Given our situation, it would be best that you do not get pregnant. We are no longer… husband and wife.”

know that. Don‘t worry. I took my

forgot to take her pills. It wasn‘t

brought up her special day. He said, “Shanty, it‘s your birthday in two months. Do you want to go somewhere? I remember you always wanted to go

noticed how her breathing became labored. Eventually, she answered, “Wow. that would be nice, Evan,

to Evan. She forced a

I can. Thank you again, Shant, for signing the divorce agreement. I‘ll send you the alimony –” “I

I never received any. What else did you

Chapter 10 Goodbye Evan

Don‘t send me any money.” “Take care of yourself.

understanding of his relationship with Nicole. He was more bothered by how Shantelle‘s goodbye gave him a sense of emptiness. “Shanty.” “Goodbye,” She said again before dashing to the stairs, her feet heavy against the floor. “Shant?!”


made out of the villa‘s gate, Shantelle had already taken a

back inside and grabbed his phone, hoping to call Shantelle. Then, he realized he did not have her new

about to call Doctor William Scott when his phone rang.

answered the call. He heard someone say, “Mister Thompson, this is from St. Benedict Hospital. A patient by the name of Nicole Lively was admitted last night. She was

follow Shantelle or go to the hospital. In the end, he felt obligated


asked, seeing her daughter arrive later in the morning, wearing a dress her ex–husband gave her. “I thought you were supposed to be with Karise, but she called me to check if you were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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