The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 73

Chapter 73: Hottest Kiss

No one else mattered, because only Evan and Shantelle were present at the

restaurant within the Eiffel Tower. The couple relished in delectable dishes,

making Shantelle moan with each bite.

“Mmmm… it just melts in your mouth,” Shantelle said. As she relished the flavor of her food, she remarked, “It would be great if you could learn how to cook this, and no, don’t even think about hiring the chef.”

She chuckled as she stared into Evan’s

face. He looked really pale, following her suggestion. Meanwhile, Evan shook his head and replied, “I’ll do my best to serve my queen all her favorites.”

He called one of the food attendants and

requested a word with the chef after


Oh, yeah. Shantelle was feeling like wanting to demand things already. Indeed, Evan was spoiling her, and she liked it. In fact, each and every day, she felt more and more confident about Evan’s intentions. Of course, what greatly affected her decision was how Evan

treated Lucas. Evan proved himself to be a great father, and the way he bonded with Lucas was above her expectations.

Second, Evan saved her life twice. Third, in her trying times in Warlington, he supported her financially and


Despite Evan’s busy schedule, he would

find time to see her and Lucas. In

between, he updated Shantelle about his whereabouts. If it weren’t him, James

would. She knew precisely where Evan

was at a specific time of the day.

The gifts were constantly there, and each

one wasn’t random; it had meaning, or it fitted her preference and style. If it was a

treat, it was definitely her favorite or, at least, Lucas’.

After dinner, Evan and Shantelle danced to slow music. They had their pictures taken before heading to the tower’s higher levels for more incredible views of


Soon, they left the Eiffel Tower for their last stop. In the car, Evan said to Shantelle, “We don’t have time to take a tour in all of Paris, but we are at least had the Eiffel experience and one more. We will come back with Lucas and stay longer when everything is doing well at the heart and lung center.”

“Mmm.” Shantelle smiled and said, “I want a European tour instead.”

Evan smiled and replied, “Noted. Tell me everything you want, and I’ll make it


just abuse that,”

before chuckling.



going to one

they were going somewhere

red when she asked, “Where

looked out the

to the huge, illuminated

she laughed. She felt the butterflies in

experiencing a kiss with Evan at the top of


Roue De Paris.

one. Only the operators, who had huge grins on their faces, were


happily replied, taking


famous Ferris Wheel in the city of love for minutes. They took pictures and enjoyed the feeling of excitement. Whenever

take a downward motion, Shantelle felt

pumping through her veins.

I’m on top of the


said while looking at the

lights below.

while the Ferris


to Evan

she admitted, “Yes, Evan. I am overjoyed. Thank you for

you know why they say a kiss on top of a Ferris Wheel holds a significant meaning?” Evan

now looking steadily at her lips, she asked, “Why don’t

thought about riding one with Evan in her teens. However, she


Wheel stopped when their capsule was at the summit. It made Shantelle’s eyes widen, wondering how long they would remain on

cheek. He leaned closer, saying, “They say if you kiss at the very top of the

about proving this myth is true?” Evan

held the back of


the moon. Whenever

Shantelle’s, his

in excitement.

often visited his


Shantelle returned

kissed and

becoming a reality, and he

it. He would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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