The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Ask Forgiveness

“Daddy, over there!” Lucas’ eyes were wide open, his arms stretching to reach for the apple he found. He was sitting on top of Evan’s shoulders, leaning closer to the tree.

“Almost there, daddy. Move closer!” Lucas


Evan blended with the tree leaves to give Lucas his chance to grab the apple. His son was not satisfied with the apples that were easy to reach. He just had to go with the biggest and the reddest, which was at the top

of the current apple tree they were at.

Finally picking the apple, Lucas exclaimed,

Got it! Yay!” He bounced on Evan’s shoulder, rejoicing, before taking a bite of that sweet apple. “Mmmmm. It’s so yummy!

In the afternoon, Evan took Lucas outside of Warlington. The hotel had recommended an

apple farm for them to spend quality time, and Evan thought it was perfect. Lucas had the time of his life. Sure, they were picking too many apples and might have to give

away a few, but the smile on his face as he grabbed each one was priceless.

“It’s so yummy, Daddy! Try it! Try it!” Lucas


Evan helped him off his shoulders and onto the ground. Only then did he take a bite of

the apple. He remarked, “Mmmm. This one

is definitely a winner.”

“There’s another big red apple!” Lucas excitedly pointed at another tree. Like the

last, the apple was located on top. “Let’s get it, Daddy! I want to give it to my mommy!”

He looked behind them and saw the tour

guide chuckling. He was already carrying two full baskets of apples. Evan scratched his head and said, “Okay.”

After the adventurous apple picking, the

father and son had a late afternoon snack at

the farm’s restaurant. They served apple- flavored pastries and other goodies.

“Mmmm! I love apples!” Lucas announced. He took a big whiff of the cinnamon apple pancakes and said, “Oh, Mommy would

have loved this too.”

Lucas ate heartily while Evan sent pictures

to Shanty, showing

went. She did not reply, but

was busy at


at another

is it, Lucas?” Evan

Lucas asked, “Why are you and Mommy

that was why he was staring at the

on his shirt before admitting, Daddy made a

sighed before adding,


face. His

did you hurt Mommy? Don’t you

there are things I can’t

line is, I made a mistake, and I hurt

late, and that’s what


son. It was my fault, but now

that mistake.”

you won’t be together?” Lucas

“I don’t know, but I’ll

your father. I will

sorry to her,

that he and Shantelle still needed to finish their talk. Sure, he had apologized to her at Lucas’ school, but there wasn’t


it wasn’t a

he admitted. “Don’t worry, I’ll say sorry to your

forgives you,”

fell upon them until Evan asked, What about you, Lucas? Do you

mommy again, I will be mad,” Lucas said, his arms crossed

my lesson.” Evan promised. “I love your mommy, and I

Lucas’ eyes were watering. He called him over, saying,

from his

“I love


It was

Lucas has had two half days with Clara, which was well

her about Lucas’ daily

lunch. When they arrived, Shantelle greeted them

handed the

shopping bags. Clara said, “Those are the apples

you. Evan bought him some gifts, and you have


“You did not

could react, Lucas rushed

hugged her. He

miss you.” He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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