The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 51

Chapter 51: The Threat

“Are you sure you are okay?” Shantelle asked as she lifted Evan’s shirt from the

back. There was a big red mark above his hip, suggesting blood had pooled in that area, forming a nasty bruise. Not only that,

he had scratched his forehead, and he

admitted to hurting his arm.

“I’m fine. I protected my head, but my arm hurts,” Evan said, turning to his right arm.

Still, I can move it.”

Earlier, after the encounter with the

motorist, the hospital security team tried to race after the motorbike, but they failed to catch the rider.

Evan was brought into the Emergency Room (ER) for evaluation. He insisted he was fine, but Shantelle would not let him leave. After all, he did somehow save her from the


Shantelle turned to the ER nurse and

requested, “Put him through a CT scan, to be


Evan forced himself up from the hospital bed, saying, “Shanty, no. I think I’ll live. What I’d like to do is talk to security and maybe watch the surveillance. Clearly, that motorbike was aiming at you -”

“Will you stop thinking about others and focus on yourself?” Shantelle shot back.

“Don’t be disobedient and listen to the

doctor,” Shantelle ordered. She turned to the nurse and gave the same directive. “Put him through CT scan now.”

Evan had no choice. The doctor’s orders were definite, and Shantelle would not give him a discharge order. Besides, he was rather pleased about Shantelle’s sudden concern. Transferring to a wheelchair, he remarked, “I’m at least glad you still care.” (1

While Evan was brought to the radiology


room, Shantelle returned to her office. She realized she had forgotten her personal

phone when she had left with Evan,

following his supposed consultation turned

into dinner.

When Shantelle entered the room, she was surprised to find Doctor Park, taking a call from her office landline. “Yes, the next patient in line is Bri -”

“Doctor Park, what are you doing here?” Shantelle asked, her brow raising. “Whose that on the phone?”

She saw how Doctor Park paled. Her eyes widened in shock. “Doctor – doctor Shant, you’re okay?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” Shantelle asked, fully baffled.

“Oh, I mean. You’re back! I thought you had already left, and I heard your phone ringing. Your office was still open, so I answered the call,” Doctor Park explained.


Shantelle thought back. She had instructed the nurse in charge to lock up her office, but perhaps it was a miss on the nurse’s part. It was also her fault for rushing out with Evan


the phone?”

There is a heart


call and confirmed the same. After getting the donor’s details and cross- referencing them to the patients on the waitlist. She responded to the person on the other line, “We indeed have a match. The next patient is Jean Lace. We will call the patient to confirm

made another phone call. The waitlist patient


and Shantelle

to prepare for surgery.

be Shantelle’s

her father walked her throughout the process. In previous years, she had assisted her

and forth in the

giving her team instructions. However, Doctor Park was not herself. She nodded and appeared to understand



you today. I don’t feel well.”


quickly decided. She turned to

directing, “Call Doctor

assist me


Shant!” The scrub


preparing the operating room, she returned to the ER and discovered that Evan was not in danger.

said back. “Shanty, that motorbike was aiming

biker would. Anyway, can we talk about this later? I have an emergency heart transplant procedure. The heart is due to arrive in less than an hour. It’s being airlifted from the next town. The recipient will be here at any minute. Do you mind looking after Lucas? I’ll

confirmed. “That’s

held her arm, saying, “Do well,

Good luck.”

responded by holding his

one. Doctor Shant, you are needed in Operating Room one,” the hospital’s announcement came

Are you

She asked.

“Positive,” Evan replied.

quickly ordered Evan’s discharge

the nurses in the ER to have Evan ushered


you the video recordings. We need to course

on duty advised

the hotel, Evan went straight


had chased after the

saw how that motorbike nearly hit Doctor Shant! If I had not pulled her away, who knows how

his superior. “It was done intentionally since the

a better footing than Shantelle. Knowing the potential impact, he

his ex-wife?

vehicle. It would


thanked the heavens that he decided to

still undecided, Evan threatened, “In that case, I will go to the police and report

media how lacking you are in keeping your

warned, “The choice is yours! And I warn you, I am

guard, the three of them watched the surveillance videos. They saw how the motorbike had been waiting in the driveway for


for her,” Evan concluded, his brows meeting


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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