The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 22

Chapter 22: The Scotts Moved

Evan was dressed in his best suit. He applied the perfume Shantelle always encouraged him to use. His hairstylist came to the villa and had his hair trimmed early in the morning.

‘Shantelle would have already received her gown yesterday. I hope she liked it,‘ He thought in his head.

After Evan’s haircut, he checked himself in the living room’s mirror. When satisfied with his appearance, he dismissed the hairstylist. He grabbed the printed itinerary of the trip to Paris from his room and went down the stairs, ready to leave.

In the living room, he saw that the flowers had already arrived. Evan seized the bouquet and paced to the door when someone rang the doorbell at the villa’s gates.

To Evan’s surprise, his assistant, James, made an unexpected visit. He walked out of a car with a huge box in his arms, making Evan frown. It was in the driveway when Evan asked, “James? What are you doing here?”

“Sir, I could not reach you last night, and I assumed you were resting, so I did not bother to call the landline. Sarah Kate boutique sent the gown to your office instead. They said.” James frowned before informing, “They said Miss Shanty no longer lived in that address.”

Evan was stunned. He gulped and frowned. Soon, he asked, “What – what do you mean?”

“I don’t know, Sir, but it was what the store manager told me. Whoever was in the house said that Miss Shanty had already moved,” James said before bowing his head.

Silence fell upon them, but after a few seconds, Evan cleared his throat. “There there must be some mistake. That’s their familial home. Doctor Scott loved that house so much. It was his father’s home. He had just recently renovated it. They – they must have delivered it to the wrong house.”

While Evan said this, his heart was uneasy. First, it was the flowers, and now, the gown. ‘Could the Scotts have moved? Impossible. Shanty would never leave without saying goodbye.‘

last saw her. He remembered how her last words gave him that

of his heart that he tried to

reluctantly echoed Evan’s words.

company. I need you there. Howard will drive me,” Evan


Mister Thompson?” Howard, the Thompson family driver,

fifteen minutes, Evan took deep breaths and repeatedly bounced his left leg, all while Howard drove in the direction of the Scotts‘

fine, Howard. I appreciate your concern. I am just a little

you mind hurrying

Howard confirmed. He understood. This was the first time Evan would see the Scotts after the divorce. Howard assumed Evan was worried about what Doctor Scott and his wife had to say to

rang the gate’s doorbell for Evan. Howard said, “Mister

speak to Mister Thompson.” Whoever it was on the

wondered, ‘Was it a new maid?‘ Maybe. He certainly hoped it was the case,

and he sensed

the house. Just as Evan exited the car with the flowers in his hand, the lady said, “Mister

her hand and said, “My name is Kristine Jones. My husband and I are the new owners of this

stance. He could feel his grip around

you into the property to inform you that the Scotts have moved. About two months ago, we bought

“The Scotts moved.‘

‘The Scotts moved.‘

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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