The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 93

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 93

Chapter 93: The Plan

“Mrs. Shaw! I’m home!” Lucas happily announced as he entered the villa.

“I’m so happy to see you, Lucas!” Mrs. Shaw replied.

“Mommy and Daddy said we will live together now. Isn’t it great?” Lucas cheerfully said.

While Lucas and Mrs. Shaw chatted, Evan whispered to Shantelle, “He looks better.”

“Yes, his skin color is better,” Shantelle agreed.

Evan took his family home to the villa. Since the plan was for them to have another child, they decided to live together. Shantelle also figured it was best for Lucas since the boy always asked for his father.

In the evening, Lucas’ grandparents, from both sides, came for a visit. They had dinner together in the villa and spent time learning about Lucas’ treatment plan. After confirming that Lucas responded to the essential treatments, Willaim said at the dinner table, “Trust in medicine. Trust in the science behind it.”

“I know my grandson will be healthy. You eat well, my boy. I heard broccoli is also good for blood production,” Erick Thompson said, glancing at Shantelle.

Shantelle smiled and acknowledged, “Yes, Uncle. Proteins are, but vegetables with proteins are better since they contain folate. And folate helps in the production of healthy red blood cells!”

“I’ll eat broccoli!” Lucas declared.

“We can make grilled broccoli. Battered deep-fried broccoli with barbecue sauce,” Evan suggested. Daddy is going to learn howto cook that!”

“Evan cooking? I’d like to see that!” Clara remarked, leaving the table laughing.

whenever he would cook for Lucas in the morning,” Eleanor revealed.

Why don’t you check them out with Mrs. Shaw,” Clara suggested, and Lucas jumped for joy, running to the living room with Mrs. Shaw

the adults were left behind the table, Erick asked Shantelle, “So, potentially, the plan is

confirmed. “Cord blood stem cells are superior to bone marrow stem cells in terms of risks

not all mothers will choose to save the cord

and lung center for cord bank donations and maintain it for free. That will add to the reputation of our

to ask. How much blood can be drawn out from an umbilical cord? Will that be enough for

blood with potent stem cells can be extracted from an

stem cells in a marrow-like environment until it’s ready for transplantation,” William supplemented.

course, we hope that Lucas doesn’t have

it could not be helped. The Thompsons had always wanted more grandkids. They delighted with the possibility of taking care of new

you in any way we can,” Clara offered. “We can look after Lucas for some days, and you both can… you know, do it all


said, “Mind has power over our body. Our mindset can be our greatest healer. Let’s all keep influencing Lucas with positivity. Keep him happy always. So I think it is a good idea to stay as a family. Lucas began tiring himself, always

true, and he is always

the villa his haven – his secured environment,” William suggested. He turned to

Dad,” Shantelle

hire more help for the villa,” Erick suggested. “We can have a nurse on standby

feeling well, I’ll

will also be focusing on being

Lucas because we love him. So don’t

replied, “Thank you so much,

me as Aunt and Uncle? Shanty, aren’t we family? Call me Father Erick, like you used to,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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