The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Letter

Selfish? Yes, that was true. It was because she loved Evan so much.

Insecure? How could she not be? Knowing that Nicole Lively was at arm’s length, Shantelle’s insecurity grew.

Shantelle and Evan had a relatively tranquil marriage for more than a year. It wasn’t fruitful or romantic – the dream marriage she wished for, but at least they were civil. Occasionally, they spent quality time as a married couple. Occasionally, they had made love. Shantelle could tell that Evan had tried.

However, six months ago, she received an anonymous message, tipping her of Nicole Lively’s return. She became paranoid. She kept prying, infuriating Evan with her constant interrogating and snooping. He started bringing up a divorce since. Eventually, whoever gave her clues sent her photos of Evan and Nicole together, having lunch or taking her to a luxury apartment building.

That was when Shantelle pursued to know where Nicole lived. So when she found out that Evan was paying for the apartment, she stormed into the apartment building and gave Nicole a piece of her mind. Shantelle made sure everyone in the building knew that Nicole was a mistress!

Naturally, Evan found out about it. That was how they wound up in their most noteworthy argument, within the living room of their villa.

So yes, she was selfish and insecure, but that was all because of her love for Evan.

What hurt Shantelle the most, however, were Evan’s words. ‘I DON’T. LOVE YOU! I never did!’

She thought, if there was no ounce of affection for her, then why? Why would he touch her? She ridiculed herself, still sitting on the floor. She muttered, “I guess I’m just the convenient partner.”

“Of course, Shantelle. You already know this,” she added. Evan had never told her he loved her. He never even said he liked her. She was just someone his father forced him to marry.

Shantelle got up from the floor when she realized the maids were staring at her. ‘They must have overheard. How shameful. How pathetic.’

She picked up the divorce papers and went to the master’s bedroom. It was then that she read the terms of the contract. To set Evan free, she would get ten million dollars as alimony.

full-length mirror. Watching the stain on her face, the bags around her eyes, and her skinny frame, she murmured, “How

young girl in college. She could not count the number of men who

herself. “Shantelle,

fair to say that love can turn one into someone

years old. She graduated at the top of her class in biochemistry, finishing her degree in seven semesters. She wasn’t supposed to be someone who felt unloved and unwanted. She was meant to be

she was so hung up, knowing that Nicole was just around the corner, that she did not even think about herself or her career. She had always wanted to become a doctor – a surgeon, but that would

landed on the portrait

were gleaming in the photo, but as she glanced at Evan’s face, her heart sank. In that photo, there was

kind of laughter that was mixed with misery. Indeed, she was pathetic. She was at fault for marrying Evan against his will. If she had said no back

on her decisions in life, but before dozing off to sleep that night, she admitted, “You are right, Evan. You are right. I am


for two days,” Mrs. Shaw, their house caretaker, walked in the door, forcing Shantelle to get up

two days. That was

you don’t have to go out,”

to eat. She did not leave, making sure Shantelle filled

she smiled and said, “Mrs. Shaw, thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for being my

her throat, and she cried, saying, “I’m afraid I must leave.

cannot be forced,” Mrs. Shaw said. “If you love something,

acknowledged, “Thank you, Mrs. Shaw. I guess I know that

family for years. When Evan moved

known Shantelle since she was in high school. The Scotts were constant visitors to the Thompson’s home. Thus, Mrs. Shaw was aware of

to mind her own business, but this time, she could not help but give Shantelle her advice. If

you decided?” Mrs.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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