The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Safety First

Shantelle woke up, choking at the feel of the smoke entering her lungs. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see the vapor slip through the door.

“Shanty! Shanty, where are you?” She heard Evan call. He was coughing and calling out her name, making her realize he was close.

“Evan! Evan, I’m here!” She called. Tears

welled in her eyes, realizing the danger she was in. She forced herself up and punched the door with her fists, calling out to Evan repeatedly. “Evan! I’m here! Help me, Evan! Help me!”

“Shanty! Shanty, is that you?!” Evan called. ” Move back! I’m going to kick the door open!”

“The fire is getting worse, Sir! The fire extinguisher is running out,” Shantelle

heard Miguel say behind the door. Then Evan began to kick through the door again and again until the door gave in.

“Stop using the extinguisher. Let’s use it for when we take Shanty out!” Evan instructed.

After entering the room, Evan rushed to Shantelle. He wrapped her in his coat for


Before blazing through the fire, Evan had soaked his coat with water while Miguel

found a fire extinguisher. Evan used his

jacket to cover Shantelle as they walked

through the hallways where the fire had reached the ceiling.

Miguel, in particular, had used up the last contents of the extinguisher to ensure

Shantelle did not get burned as they exited

the hazardous area.

Evan loomed over Shantelle as they ran out, protecting her with his frame. She heard him scream repeatedly, but she did not know

why or have the time to assess the situation.

Finally, when they got out, they were met by police officers. They readily covered them

with a fire blanket.

More and more help arrived. It wasn’t just Shantelle who was trapped inside the

building. Some guests had used the

bathroom or lingered further in the west

wing, failing to make it out before the fire worsened. A report also came in that one

victim had died in the fire.

Shantelle, Evan, and Miguel were rushed to Warlington hospital. Shantelle only had minor burns on her legs, thanks to Evan shielding her, but Miguel and Evan suffered second and third-degree burns on their arms. After the extinguisher ran out, they had apparently used their arms to clear their


Shantelle’s burns were treated

Keith apologized.

for not looking out for Shantelle. Keith wept as he

did not say anything to Keith. She blamed herself

with only Miguel. Better yet,

all. When the nurse covered her leg wounds, she went to

nurse was


sight utterly squeezed

literally off him

his left arm.

nurse, she ordered, “Give him

he already had

to work. I

not have IV yet?”



find a site. I was



site!” Shantelle shot

tears in

down.” Evan

arms are burned.

to find one.”

in her gown, Shantelle

She helped find a vein in

not burned. Then she inserted

she helped clean

sorry, Evan. I’m sorry.’


it’s just a wound. It’s going to get better,” Evan assured

sucked in a breath.

replied, “But – but this will leave a permanent scar. Not even surgery can completely cover this kind of

afraid it would have been too late if

the firemen.” He shut

won’t be part of your life the way I hoped, but I won’t let


how they touched her.

was in deep thought,

call out. She snapped in


needed to perform the surgery,” William was panting as he revealed. “I left Lucas in

had something to do with the organ


She glanced to where Miguel was, lying in bed and being treated,

her the whole time. She


I need to



replied. “It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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