The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 106

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Shantelle’s Special Prize

On day three of the congress, Shantelle did not have any luck. Because she and Evan spoke late in the evening, debating about her apparently expensive engagement ring, she woke up late. She regretfully joined the table of Doctor Millet, Doctor Penelope, Doctor Emma, and Doctor Gina.

There were new faces at their table, but mostly, her old classmates, which she did not like. However, she figured she would have to bear it since it was the last day.

The organizers gathered suggestions for the following year’s conference during the first three hours. They had lunch in the same hall, and in the afternoon, they proceeded with the awarding.

From her seat, Shantelle was looking at her phone, waiting for a reply from Evan. The man promised he would be at the hotel before one in the afternoon. It was already one PM, and there were no signs of Evan.

“Good afternoon, doctors. Before we proceed with the awarding, I would like to call on one of our sponsors for this event. He will be joining us on stage to distribute the certificate and medallion awards,” the host of the gathering announced.

“He is one of the known philanthropists of Lockwood City, who is said to have saved many lives of young children. He has given jobs to many workers by maintaining the Lockwood National Park. Aside from his businesses here in Lockwood, our sponsor is also the CEO of the Thompson Group of Companies, one of the rising corporations in the country today,” the host resumed.

“His companies include a shipping line business, a financial institution, a healthcare provider, and a real estate enterprise.” With a smile, the host finally introduced, “Please help me welcome Mister Evan Thompson.”

Ultimately, Shantelle understood why her man was not by her side. Evan did not explain how he was going to have a grand entrance.

The doors to the conference center opened, and Evan walked in with two bodyguards to deflect any woman, breaking his number one rule.

Immediately, all the ladies’ mouths fell open upon seeing him.

Evan wasn’t only good-looking but also had that mysterious yet dangerous vibe. He had dark brown eyes, that intense look, and that poker face he often put on whenever he was in a room full of women. Notably, Evan had that perfectly maintained beard that outlined his chiseled jaws. Aside from that, Evan was tall, well-built, and had broad shoulders. He walked confidently in each step, his chin up, establishing his dominance.

that’s Evan Thompson!” Penelope first remarked. ’Phew!” She turned to Emma, saying, ’’You are


Gina acknowledged before turning to Shantelle, her brow

is he married to? What a lucky woman!” Millet bitterly remarked, her brows meeting altogether. As Millet turned to her colleagues,

co-doctors at the table, ‘Look

arrival. Miguel met her gaze, and he waved at Shantelle. Shantelle smiled and waved

should date him too!” Millet remarked, encouraging


bullying Shantelle, she focused on Evan. At the end of the day, she would have the last

it to the stage while Andy and Miguel tried to hold back a female doctor who wanted to get a picture

him,” Emma reported. “I heard

also heard Mister

find Shantelle. She smiled at him, and

said, her eyes rounded in shock.”

think so,” Penelope

Shantelle. She was bemused. She replied to Emma, “I don’t

welcomed everybody, saying, “Good afternoon, doctors.

to everyone, but it was a mere professional smile. He resumed, “I have added incentives to the awards, hoping it would inspire you to do better in your field – saving lives and helping patients in need of medical care. May you continue to do great so that

welcome, the awarding formally began. One by one, the host called for the doctor

Achievement, may we

humanity with dedication and selflessness, the Outstanding Community Service

Hale and Shantelle were ordered to the stage. The host said, “The Whistleblower Courageous award is given to the doctors for courageously saying no to

also goes to Doctor Shant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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