The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 137

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 137

Ever Ready Evan

“Mother?” Evan asked, seeing Clara inside his office. “What brings you here?

“Oh, I needed James’ help with my ATM,” Clara replied. “He said you wouldn’t mind that he left to go to the bank.”

“Of course, Mother. You didn’t even have to come by. I could have Evan stilled, hearing Andy’s call. It only meant the call was about his wife.

“Andy? What? Okay. I’ll be headed to the hospital now,” Evan nervously said. He turned to his mother and revealed, “Mother. Shanty is giving birth.”

“Oh, my! I’m going to see my grandchildren!” Clara was teary-eyed, filled with excitement. She said, “I want to come with you! I want to see the babies. Have Howard fetch your father, and we can meet him at the hospital!”

Evan and Clara immediately left for the hospital. While a company driver was behind the wheel, the mother and son discussed in the backseat of Evan’s Audi.

“You must be patient,” Clara said. “Shanty will be experiencing the most significant pain of her life. It isn’t emotional, but the very painful process of delivering the babies, and she has to go through it twice!”

“Evan! If she blames you, let her! If she tells you she won’t have babies again, just let her say anything she wants because I tell you, it is excruciating to give birth,” Clara described. “You feel like your hips are going to break, your ass tearing, and that pain will remain active until both babies are out!” 3

“She will scream at you. She may even curse!” Clara warned. “But you must endure everything. Soothe her. Just keep saying sorry, and don’t worry. She won’t really mean what she says because it’s just the pain clouding her reason.”

“Thank you, mother, for the advice,” Evan acknowledged. “I’ll be ready. I’ve been ready for a while. Whatever Shanty will throw at me, I will take it like a man and keep telling her I love her.”

Clara nodded, saying, “I’m very proud of you, son!”

The truth was, Evan had been ready for weeks. He had done his research.

While watching Shantelle sleep at night, Evan often watched actual birth documentaries. Aside from mentally preparing himself, Evan rehearsed breathing exercises with Shantelle to help reduce the pain during delivery. He had also mastered a few massage techniques with Shantelle over the past few days.

The man wanted to be prepared entirely, a perfect husband for when Shantelle would give birth. He was going to support her through and through. He would not cower away when his wife would start yelling at him. No way!

While in the car, he imagined pacifying his wife as she yelled at him. It played like a movie in his head, and in that hypothetical scene, he repeatedly expressed his love for Shantelle.


at the hospital, Evan and Clara were dropped off in the driveway. As soon as they stepped into

“Evan!” Keith called.

He quickly announced, “Shanty is giving

is pregnant!” Keith said at the same

pregnant?” Evan asked

about it later.

find them,” Evan

claimed. A smile became painted on his face as he walked with Evan in the lift’s

their conversation. While Evan chuckled, she acknowledged,”

Evan’s party arrived at the delivery room where Shantelle had been kept, Karise was already waiting outside the door. She said to Evan, “They are preparing her.

Evan’s cue

turned to Keith and

Evan changed into a scrub suit and found his way to

smiled at

love you then, and I love you more

Evan. I love you too,” Shantelle


and then, she complained about how painful her hips were. Then again, she had been whining about the same for the past three months

wondered, ‘Has labor kicked in? Is Shanty holding

they were already pulling up her hospital gown, checking her pubic area. He returned his attention to Shantelle and held his hand. He

will be patiently sitting here and taking as much discomfort away from you, in

“Hmm?” Shantelle reacted.

I won’t mind. You can declare war, and I will understand. Shanty, I love you so

have the breathing exercises with you, and I’ll even grunt with you as you push the babies out,”

He felt Shantelle’s hand on his face. She laughed and revealed,

do you mean, Wifey?”

are, I might still go through an operation if our boy

emotional preparation

me names, cussing at me?” Evan asked, his frame leaning back, his brow lifting. “You won’t need my comfort or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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