The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 110

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 110: Evan’s Riddles

5AM. Rose Hills.

At dawn, the heart and lung center called Shantelle for an emergency surgery. A stabbed-wound patient was admitted to Saint Dominique’s Heart and Lung Center, and the surgeon in charge needed a second consultant.

Shantelle arrived at the emergency room and found a young man groaning in pain.

“Doctor Shant, the patient has multiple stabbed wounds, and he is losing a lot of blood,” the trauma surgeon reported as Shantelle arrived. “We have already inserted a tube into the side of his stomach. Blood is draining out of him-a lot.”

The trauma surgeon required Shantelle’s help since he suspected the patient’s lung was also injured. He said, “Now, he is complaining about difficulty breathing while feeling pain in his abdomen.”

The trauma surgeon and Shantelle helped study the wounds. Minutes later, Shantelle found the rightful stab wound. Pointing to the upper chest, she said, “Here. There is definitely air coming out of his chest. His lungs might have been lacerated too. Let’s have draining here and get some blood out of his chest walls.”

After the entire trauma team stabilized the patient, they sent him through a CT scan. Shantelle was in the operating room with the trauma surgeon in the following hours, exploring the patient’s internal organs and repairing them whenever they found lacerations.


Shantelle arrived at the villa past eight in the evening. It was the most exhausting operation, to think; she worked with another surgeon. However, that was always the case with trauma patients. The CT scan only captured a fraction of the actual problem, but during the exploration surgery, they found more repairs to do.

It was another weekend, and she was supposed to spend a day with Lucas, but she spent an entire day at the hospital. When she made it into the bedroom hallways, she gasped, hearing laughter in Lucas’ room.

She checked the time and realized it was still early. She muttered. “Oh, good. Lucas is still awake.”

Before entering Lucas’ bedroom, she bathed and changed into comfortable clothes. That evening, she put on her leggings and wore Evan’s shirt.

Finally, when Shantelle walked into Lucas’ room, she caught the father and son, laughing. Her son was at it so hard that his eyes watered, and his hands were clutching his stomach.

“Can I join the fun?” She asked, surprising Evan and Lucas.

Mommy!” Lucas exclaimed. He got off the bed and ran to Shantelle. He jumped into her arms and said, “I miss you the entire day, Mommy! I love you!”

The words of Lucas warmed her heart. They had seen each other last night, but she knew the time spent wasn’t enough. She pecked him repeatedly on the cheek and replied, “I miss you too, honey.” She settled him on the floor and added, “I love you more, Lucas.”

to Shantelle and kissed her lips. He pressed his lips against her ear, saying,” And I

nose at her husband and replied,

called, holding Shantelle’s face to him. He asked, “What two things

we riddling?” Shantelle

Mommy! Answer!”

I don’t know. There

“Give up?” Lucas asked.

is it?” Shantelle answered,

Dinner!” Lucas replied

entertained. It momentarily erased her

kind of room has no doors or windows?” Lucas asked

Shantelle asked back, “What?”

“A mushroom!” Lucas announced.

like a

“Oh, I

After which, he gave another riddle,

through her brain. She replied, “Ah, December

shortest month!” Lucas answered,

daddy teach you

Lucas revealed before going to his bedside table and

intake of oxygen-rich air. It stimulates your heart, lungs, and muscles. It also increases

palms open, she second, “Thus, your

let’s always laugh and smile!” Lucas

always!” Shantelle echoed, and she winked at Evan for the

brief family huddle, the couple put Lucas to sleep. They made it to their bedroom, with Shantelle’s steps heavy against the floor. She quickly climbed onto the bed and rested on her

“Tired? Stressed?” Evan asked.

okay. Lucas ‘ smile made

next to her and put an arm around her waist. He rubbed her belly and suggested, “I have a few more riddles that can

on Shantelle’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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