The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 127

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 127: New Revelation

Two months passed.

At twenty-seven weeks, Shantelle’s stomach looked like she was about to give birth. However, since she had twins, it was normal for her belly to grow like a watermelon at that point.

Shantelle struggled as she exited the car with Evan, her hand carrying her tummy’s weight. She sighed and said, “Remind me why we came here?”

“To support your friend, Karise,” Evan responded before chuckling. He winked at his wife and added, “If it were up to me, I’d rather cuddle with you, naked in bed.”

“Pfft!” Brushing off her husband’s naughty thoughts, she said, “Right. Karise. n

Shantelle would rather be at home too, resting on that fine weekend. However, it was a special day for Karise and a big move for Keith.

Keith was going to introduce Karise to his parents, and Shantelle had to show her friend her support. Evan was doing the same for Keith. He was thrilled that Keith was seriously moving on from Shantelle.

That day was Keith’s father’s birthday, Mister Charles Henderson. Since his retirement, Charles Henderson and his wife, Helen, have been traveling around the world, leaving the business in Keith’s care. However, to celebrate his seventieth birthday, Charles and his wife returned to be with family and friends.

As the couple walked into the Hendersons’ mansion, Evan put his arm around Shantelle’s waist. Only a few guests were invited, and they all settled behind the house, where a long table had been set up, facing the swimming pool.

Shantelle saw Karise sitting on one side. She and Evan settled next to her.

“This is it!” Shantelle said to Karise.

From afar, the couple saw Keith chatting with relatives, but not long before, he approached the table, greeting, “Evan, Shantelle, thank you for coming. Dad is expecting you, Evan.”

Karise, Keith asked, “Babe,

her chest and replied, “Babe,

“Don’t be. You look gorgeous and sexy as hell –

Keith’s eyes, he saw his parents walk out of the house. Much to his dismay, they were with Larry Mitchel, one of the owners of Channel 5, a local TV network. Next to

he casually dated and dumped after three days a year

could think of an answer, Sean and Wendell arrived. Keith and his group of

settled in their seats, and to Keith’s shock, the Mitchells occupied the seats opposite to them. Lola was especially giving him a

see you, young man. I am so proud of what you have become, and Shantelle, who would have known you and Evan would get back together,” Charles Henderson said. He turned to Keith and remarked,”

his attention to Shantelle, saying,

father meant but simply evaded the topic. Evan said, “Keeping our friendship. That

”We prefer not bringing up our difficult past, Uncle Charles.

try my best,”

for coming to my birthday. Aside from this special occasion,

to stand up, and Charles resumed, “My son, the CEO of Prima MedCare is engaged

fell open while

the surrounding people stilled, especially Karise. She has yet to be formally introduced, yet Keith’s father was already making a statement by giving Keith a socialite as a

mistake here, Dad,” Keith immediately said. He turned to everyone at the table and corrected, “There is a mistake because Miss Mitchell is

To everyone, he introduced, “This is Karise Myers, and she is my girlfriend.

an apologetic look and added, “My father

never allow a nobody into our family!” Charles said in

anger. She was the first who react,” Excuse me, but Karise is my friend. She is a well-respected analytical chemist at Hues Pharmaceuticals. She has an admirable job and a good family background.

After a second, Charles

from?” Charles turned to Keith and suggested, “Whereas Lola here is the daughter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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