The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 104

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 104: Meeting An Old Rival

Lucas showed remarkable improvement after his antibodies infusion. His blood counts went above average in less than a week following his discharge. The increase in his white blood cells was a given due to his added antibodies, but remarkably his red blood cells also increased. Thus, the couple was hopeful there would be no interruptions to their wedding.

Ten days before the scheduled nuptials, Evan asked Shantelle about the yearly thoracic surgeon’s congress. The man became aware of the event because the Lockwood children’s hospital was asked if Evan could sponsor the conference. The event was happening in Lockwood City.

During his regular visit to Shantelle’s office, he asked, “Do you want me to book you at the annual doctors’ summit?”

Shantelle was encoding a patient’s profile when Evan raised the event. She pouted and said, “I declined to go. My nausea is getting worse, and the wedding is in a few days. I have a lot on my mind

“But this conference is important to you,” Evan pointed out. “I remember you were looking forward to it. It will feature speakers who are veteran thoracic surgeons from Europe who have practiced the robotic surgery system for over a year.”

Evan was sitting in front of Shantelle’s desk. He cleared his throat and added, “And you are lying about nausea. You have been dealing with it well with your diet. So it’s not a significant hindrance. Wifey, if you are worried about Lucas, I’ll take care of him. Besides, he is doing better, and aren’t you an awardee this year due to what happened in Warlington? Wifey, you need to be out there. I want you to have that limelight.”

Shantelle thought about it and decided to go. She said, “Okay. Promise me you’ll take care of Lucas.”

“Have I failed you with Lucas?” Evan sought.

Shantelle smiled brightly at Evan. She walked over to him and sat on his lap, saying, “No, you haven’t.” She kissed his lips and flushed, admitting,” aside from Lucas, I thought I might miss you. It’s going to be a three-day conference. So I hesitated to go.”

Evan smiled from ear to ear. He kissed Shantelle and littered pecks on her neck before saying, “I love it when you express your feelings. I love you, Shanty. How about this? We’ll talk every night with Lucas, and on the last day – during your awarding, I’ll fetch you.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Shantelle nodded.


she proceeded to the conference center, where the event was held

and a few of her co-doctors in the same field,

earlier than Shantelle. He had already settled at a table with several of his batchmates. Thus, Shantelle sought an empty seat from the opposite side of

you. I heard you couldn’t make it. What made you change your mind?” Doctor Hart sought, seeing Shantelle stand

the other tables were full of

always landed second to Shantelle in

but after knowing how

other doctor was also a classmate

Hospital. I think you and Doctor Hale were very courageous to go against the manipulation of heart donors in Warlington. For

nice to meet you. I hear many good things about The

and replied, “It’s because of the hospital’s owner. He finds ways to give charity to those who are struggling financially. So,

seventy percent of the hospital. Wendell, Sean, and Keith held the rest of


and generous, but he is very handsome!”

it. Last, Shantelle considered that social media

come – might!” Emma shrugged. “Though, heard he is married. So, we better back off and just dream

too bad,” Shantelle plainly said, her face burning at the

please. You may have succeeded in your career, but you are unlucky in love. Aren’t you divorced? Your ex-husband got you pregnant and left you?” Out of nowhere, Doctor Millet said. “Stop dreaming about quality

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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