The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 130

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 130: Keith’s Big Gun

Two weeks had passed since the incident at the Hendersons’ mansion. Keith walked into a meeting room at Prima MedCare. It was a session requested by his father, Charles.

Keith shook his head, knowing the reasons for the meeting. Unfortunately for Keith, his father still held authority, owning ten percent of the company shares. Charles still had the right to express and suggest anything related to the company. The worst part was how his father knew every shareholder, being the previous CEO.

“Good morning,” Keith said while taking his seat. “Before I address this meeting, I have someone here to join us.”

Evan walked into the room, surprising the board members.

“What is Evan doing here?” Charles asked with a frown. 1

Edward, Keith’s assistant, entered and distributed Evan’s new acquisition of Prima MedCare’s shares. It was a five percent share from another investor absent that day.

“As you can see, Mrs. Chow sold all her rights to Evan. Mister Thompson, the CEO of the Thompson Group of Companies, will now be our business partner,” Keith announced.

The board of directors and shareholders became pleased. If Evan was part of the company, there could only be growth to look forward to.

A triumphant look became painted on Keith’s face, seeing his father resentful. With Evan as a shareholder, his business partners would side with him instead of his father.

After Evan sat next to him, Keith asked, “So, May I know what this meeting is all about?”

Charles stood up first. He said, “Everyone is here today because of the news of your relationship. We are worried about your girlfriend’s reputation and that of yours.”

He walked up to Keith and handed him a file. When Keith opened it, he saw it was research done about Karise.

Charles said, “The woman you are dating does not belong to our circle. You have to remember how perception is also important. Because we mostly earn as a corporate insurance provider, we deal with CEOs and executives. What will people say if you marry Karise? Can she blend in into your important events, such as charity gatherings or club meetings? How many languages does she speak? She will only be cast aside. Notable people will think of her as a gold digger.”

“During her college years, she waited tables at a local bar at night – who knows if she only served food or provided other services? She has had five failed relationships, which meant one thing, Keith, the woman is used

to, but that’s really besides the point. I don’t care about her past like she

waiting tables make her a gold

words, “Don’t you think I know? You let her live at your

I won’t

asked, “Don’t you gift your wives with the most expensive jewelry? But it does not make them a gold digger!”

“Look at those last photos of her at the club. She is a party girl, Keith,

a fine woman, and your unity could further strengthen our

network will purchase insurance claims from us.” One

Hills to other cities,” Evan interrupted. “All of them are using

trembled in fear at Evan’s following words. “If you insist that Keith marry Lola, or any other women that had miserably failed to straighten out

Keith alone with his personal life, I will enlighten the Wright Diamond Corporation to potentially use Prima MedCare as their employees’ primary medical insurance,” Evan proposed.

the country were to use Prima MedCare, they would


Hotel here in Rose Hills is a partnership between me and Kaleb Wright, the

siding with Charles, or are you

room. Charles tried to win every one but failed to convince the business

Evan said. “Nice research you have done about Karise. A Party girl? Who hasn’t been there? If I dig well enough, I bet I would find more scandalous pictures of Lola

not come from a wealthy family? That’s social discrimination! Do you know that you could be sued for that?” Evan asked. “Since Karise is my wife’s friend, I will hire her the

Evan? Don’t you hate Keith one bit for all the wrong that he

and I are over that matter. You can’t use that against

clarified. “You’ll just die

at Charles, contending, “You used to argue with Keith because

of directors, saying, “Arent you all pleased that your CEO has not been featured in the headlines again? Aren’t you all tired of reading about Prima MedCare’s notorious playboy CEO out with the

where his friend was going with his words. Keith explained his personal life, “I have never thought of settling down until my girlfriend. Yes, she isn’t a known socialite in the city, but I love Karise, and she keeps me right on track. So please, let’s stop this nonsense! We are all wasting our time over something

grew to a billion-dollar company like it is now, despite my womanizing reputation, it certainly would not be affected

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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