The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 158

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 158: May Go Home

Text from Sean: [The ghost is clear. My mom is on her way and would love to have breakfast with you guys.] 2

Text from Andy: [I just saw your friend’s wife get in the car, Mister Thompson.]

Those were Evan’s cues. He and Wendell were in his car, parked beneath the heart and lung center, waiting for Brooklyn to leave for work. Keith was in his car, also waiting.

Knowing that Brooklyn had already left, the three proceeded to Sean’s private room.

Sean’s hospital stay was extended for another week. He had several tests done to ensure there were no other injuries they needed to worry about. When everything else was cleared, Sean underwent a knee surgery, but he went with the doctor already treating him instead of looking for someone new.

Brooklyn thought she had made Sean follow her request to avoid Evan and his other friends. In truth, however, Sean’s best friends only waited to ride it out until Brooklyn cooled down. On that day, they visited Sean early in the morning without Brooklyn’s knowledge.

As soon as the three friends entered Sean’s room, they shared a brotherly hug. They even called Lucas from the room, admitting that Sean was in the hospital.

“Hey, what’s that long face, buddy? Your uncle Sean is fine. Now that the doctors fixed my knee, I just need to exercise my muscles and legs so I can walk again,” Sean said on the phone to Lucas. 1

“Now, enough about me. How about you, huh? I heard that your blood counts went up!” Sean asked.

Lucas nodded and said, “Yes, Doctor Patel said I am doing great. And that’s because I have my siblings’ blood. They helped me a lot.”

“Wow!” Sean remarked. “I think you are getting close, Lucas.”

“Yes, I’ve been eating lots of vegetables,” Lucas added. “You should have more vegetables too, uncle.”

“I sure will,” Sean replied.

“Anyway, Uncle. If you need help with your exercise, my therapist is a big help,” Lucas said. “I’ll tell her later to teach you a few exercises.”

After a short pause, Lucas said, “I have to go, Uncle. Breakfast is here.”

work. Love you!” Shantelle

call that Evan remembered Lucas’ physical therapist. He was about to tell Sean when Mrs. Ross walked in the door, saying,” Boys,

of telling Sean about Reese, Evan’s mind shifted to helping Mrs. Ross prepare the dining area. Wendell, Keith, and Evan returned to Sean’s side since he still could not walk. They ate breakfast together,

a frog feel with a broken foot?” Sean

“What?” Keith asked.

Sean burst into a set

felt his stomach in pain from laughing again. Keith

that’s funny!” Wendell

crack jokes.” She winked at them and said, “That’s great because more than

so you can have your last-minute

relished the time together with Sean that early morning. When the clock turned eight, they bid their goodbyes, saying

opened Reese’s chocolates. He asked, “By the way, thanks for the peanut butter cup treat. Who sent these?

three friends looked at each other. Evan said, “I didn’t

didn’t either,” Keith

how you used to be addicted to Reese’s chocolates,” Wendell

sent these?” Sean asked,

shrugged. Sean was left to wonder but relished his treat otherwise.


three days after the knee surgery. He continued to recuperate in his new home with Brooklyn. He still could

with flying colors, and his blood count continued to go up. He finally experienced interaction with other children on the isolation floor. He still wore a mask and often practiced health protocols like washing hands

isolation, slowly exposing Lucas to the outside world. While occupying the isolation unit, he was eventually allowed weekly controlled visitors. Aside

first week of the fourth month. The

so much!” He was already free of all IV medications, and thus, he

my baby Lucas,” Eleanor said. Her eyes were swollen because she had been crying from the car ride up to

Lucas said. He turned to reach for William, who had also been crying. He held his

Behind them, Shantelle’s eyes were watering while Evan took deep breaths, trying to hold back his tears. Their howls

It was Clara and Erick’s turn to visit Lucas. Like the last, everyone was in tears with their

even bring it up, Sean declined, saying he wasn’t in good shape. They were unsure if it was Brooklyn or Sean, but Evan also knew how his friend had been complaining about the swelling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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