The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 156

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 156: Evan’s Guilt

The first thing that Evan did was go to the police station. Wendell met him there, and with their family’s influence, they got approval from the chief of police to secure documents within Sean’s car.

Although Sean’s BMW was severely hit in the front, most of his belongings in the trunk and back were still intact. The police were waiting for Sean’s family to get them, but instead, Evan and Wendell came for his things.

The two friends were walking down from the second floor of the police station when they saw Evan’s CFO speaking with a police officer in the receiving area.

“Mister Ross has taken essential documents from the company since we hired him as our external accountant. We need the documents badly. I was wondering maybe he left it in his car,” Evan’s CFO, Griffin Hernan, said to the police.

Somehow, Evan had an inkling. He raised his voice as he answered on behalf of the police officer, “I have it!”

When Griffin turned to Evan, his face paled, and his mouth fell open. He said, “Evan, I -1 thought you were still in isolation with your son -”

“I left isolation because I wanted to know what happened to Sean!” Evan spat. He glowered at Griffin, saying, “You know, Sean had called me before the accident. He said something about you being upset about how he was looking into the books. Why?”

“Oh, Evan, please. You know that I have this obsession with the order of things. I do not want any important documents misplaced,” Griffin reasoned.

Despite Mister Hernan’s words, Evan doubted him now. At the back of Evan’s head, he feared he was trying to find someone to blame for Sean’s situation. However, his CFO’s actions utterly raised his suspicion.

“I’ll keep these documents,” Evan coldly replied. “And don’t call me Evan. You may be older than me, and an apprentice of my father, but I am still your boss.”

“Y – yes, Mister Thompson,” Griffin Hernan said before reluctantly leaving the police station.

Evan could not let it go. Because of the heaviness in his heart, he urged Wendell to help him get the surveillance videos from the traffic lights where Sean met an accident.

They were immediately assigned an investigator to look into Sean’s case. In the meantime, the two friends looked into the book of accounts of Evan’s company, specifically his financial business.


down at the table.

“Thanks, Milan,” Evan said.

without me. Evan and I will

and replied, “I’ll check on the twins. Mrs. Shaw could use a

to do so since they missed the babies. Although, Wendell would do

at two in the morning, they

past year, your financial entity has been moving ten thousand dollars to TriCopy monthly,” Wendell pointed out. “It’s not a big amount and could easily fall in

returned to the latest money transfers and said with a frown, “but last month, there was a transfer of two hundred

were out

TriCopy? Sadly, Evan could not cover all the money transfers. He

approved the transfer?” Wendell

while I am away,” Evan said, groaning.

and realized, “The

yourself,” Wendell said. “It’s a big company to manage, especially since you handle a group of companies. After this,

felt his chest congesting. He remarked, “That would



next day, everything

crashed into Sean’s car. After hitting the car’s hood, the same truck retreated and slammed it again into Sean’s vehicle. It created

how the pickup truck driver claimed to have lost control of his breaks, but how could he still reverse, pause, and gas up again? Then came another question, what urged the unknown driver to crash his truck into

revealed how he was related to Griffin Hernan. It did not take

station, finding out how everything was pointing to the CFO. Evan was fuming inside in front of the table and repeatedly ran his hands over his head. He looked at his friend and

Wendell answered, “I’ll give

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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