The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 121

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 121: Avenge The Tarts

Cruise Day Three.

“Wifey, I’m sorry. I didn’t think they would serve canapes with anchovies.” Evan massaged Shantelle’s back. “I had them take back the compliments. They willingly made you some seafood ramen for free to soothe your stomach.”

The couple was about to start their dinner at the cruise ship’s seafood restaurant when Shantelle took a whiff of the anchovies’ unpleasant smell. She wound up puking in the outer areas of the restaurant, her frame leaning against the ship’s railings.

After wiping her face with a tissue, Shantelle searched for the restroom, saying, TH wash my face, Evan.”

“I’ll go with you,” he offered.

To the ladies’ room?” She objected. “It’s just six tables away, Hubby. I’ll be fine. I only need a fresh outlook at dinner before trying it again.”

Shantelle took one step and retreated, saying, “If they have those pineapple tarts from two days ago, I think that would make me feel better. I loved those.”

“Wifey, I already asked. They said they ran out. I’m sorry. However, we might stumble upon them on our next land tours,” Evan replied. On day one of the cruise, Shantelle tasted a pineapple tart and had been asking for it since. “When we do, I’ll buy as many as I can. I promise.”

Hearing Evan’s reply, Shantelle pouted her lip and walked in the restroom’s direction.

Inside the ladies’ room, Shantelle walked in just in time to hear a loud banging at the last cubicle. Her head turned to the source of the sound. Next, she heard moans of a man and a woman!

Shantelle felt utterly disgusted as she heard pants zipping and the woman giggling. She shook her head as she washed her hands. While washing her face, the unknown woman came out, rushing to the door. Shantelle did not bother to look and focused on freshening up.

“Well, well. If it isn’t Doctor Shant.” Shantelle shifted to the last cubicle door and saw a familiar man, but she could not put a name to his face. He had a brownish complexion. He was tall and well-built. Shantelle could not deny the man was charming with his form, but of course, no one could beat her man.

“Don’t you remember me?” The man asked. “You operated on me two years ago. Allen Banks.”

“Oh.” Shantelle’s mouth formed into a big 0. How could she have forgotten the man whose girlfriend accused her of being a mistress?!

“Damn! I should have pursued

rolled her eyes. She grabbed a paper towel

in here!” A woman walked in, and Shantelle belatedly recalled this woman was Alien’s girlfriend, Bridget something. She could not remember. She recalled how this woman stalked her for days at Warlington Hospital, thinking she was Allen’s side bitch. “You are fucking another woman

could not help but ask. She just witnessed Allen banging a woman, but apparently, he was still

an affair with you!” Bridget cried. “Haven’t you learned your

girlfriend, but soon, Bridget became irrational, screaming and crying, her fingers trying to scratch

I found your boyfriend in the woman’s restroom! Don’t spout untrue

and found her

a woman frantically shouting from the

a lesson!” Bridget screamed, but unfortunately, she did not find Shantelle. Security came to usher her and Allen outside the restaurant, for they were disturbing all the diner’s peaceful meals. In the end, the restaurant offered

explained everything, including how she was mistaken for the

I put a stent

but I was used to patients like him. I just ignored him. After the operation, he sent me flowers and other gifts as thanks. Then

hospital found out Mister Banks was doing his cardiologist because they did it in the hospital

and the girl sees you have no reason to betray me. Besides, no one gets to talk to you that way! You are Misses

them, but she also considered that Bridget needed to understand how she had nothing to do

The warm soup, the hint of saltiness, and the noodles gave her happy hormones. Their dinner still turned

restaurant manager. The manager was apologetic about the earlier commotion and tried to

a regular customer? Is that why

“I’ll arrange it, Mister


Shantelle heard from the seafood restaurant manager, the couple had to get off the cruise ship. The ship had

company’s president, had been sick for the past year and entrusted the business to his son, but it was a failure. His only saving chance was for Evan to buy his

private limo welcomed Evan and Shantelle. They were taken to a luxury resort and guided into the lobby. They were heading to a meeting room when Shantelle saw the Caribbean dessert she had longed to have. She said, referring to the lobby cafe,

tarts I’ve been yearning for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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