The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 144

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 144

Locked Inside

Hey guys, I have a visitor,” Wendell announced as he walked back into the mansion with Milan. “Milan is joining us for boxing training.”

Shantelle grinned in amusement while Evan gave Wendell that ‘We have a lot to talk about’ look.

“Wendell told me about the requirements, and I swear I am as healthy as a horse,” Milan declared. “I hope it’s fine that I join your weekend routine?”

“Absolutely!” Shantelle replied. “Only the boys, Evan, Wendell, and my son, are doing the real exercises, though. Since I had a C-section with the twins, I can only do some walking for now, but of course, you are welcome to visit.”

She marched over to Milan, putting an arm around her, saying, “We are happy to have you. In fact, while Wendell is still living with us, you are welcome to join us every weekend.”

As she guided Milan to the back of the house, she turned to Wendell and winked at him.

Wendell was surprised. He mouthed to Shantelle, ‘I don’t know what you are talking about?’

Let’s go, Wendell,” Evan called. “Let’s get started.”

Daddy, I am ready!” Lucas announced, running down the stairs.

At the back of the mansion, Evan had a mini-gym. It had several cardio machines, weights, and boxing equipment that would allow him and his wife to work out conveniently without leaving the house.

While Shantelle simply walked on a treadmill, Evan led the group with some stretching routine. After which, they formed groups of their own.

reviewed what Milan had learned. In only

Lucas loudly said with each punch

job, Lucas!”


Wendell remarked, “you definitely do. Your club coach taught you the basics,

another section of the gym and suggested, “Come on, let

into position. He said, “Keep your feet under your shoulders and turn towards your target. Put your non-dominant foot in front of you and point it

foot open. Throwing power comes from the lower body, not the upper body, so you must get into a strong stance before throwing any punch.” Wendell simulated a

was thoroughly distracted. Her eyes could not move away from his well-defined biceps, his broad chest that formed beneath his workout clothes, how his eyes looked intense at his every punch, and how a few of his curls fell into his

“Got it?” Wendell asked.

hide her shame. Clearing her throat, she said, “I am usually a fast

just -” She cut herself off and did what she had been itching to do for the past few minutes. With her fingers, she tucked a few strands of Wendell’s

both were looking at each other.

Milan managed to hear that part, at least. She shrugged and answered, “I don’t

helped position Milan’s body by guiding her arms and

a shot at it. With Wendell’s guidance, she was able to

Lucas and Evan were already done. Shantelle also excused herself, saying, “My babies

Evan’s mini­gym. After working on her punches,

about it and said, “Sure, why not. Just a few

The way he posed and kicked his leg up in the air made Milan gasp. After

I haven’t learned enough!” She rebutted, but in the end, Wendell got her in a ready stance while holding

a fighting stance,”

holding her arms and letting her rest on his chest. “Let’s try it this time. Extend your leg straight out for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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