The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 168

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 168

Chapter 168: How Old Is Your Daughter?


Sean woke up, completely tired, and with a pang in his head. He groaned, turned to the other side, and saw Brooklyn smiling.

“Hey, Baby. Great night last night,” Brooklyn remarked.

‘Great night last night?’ Sean asked in silence. His brows met, thinking back to what had happened.

Sean recalled dancing with Reese, grinding, and hitting on her. He thought that was very strange of him. Sean had high respect for Reese. He cared about her and loved her company, but why was he acting that way last night?

Next, Sean wondered why he was with Brooklyn. His last recollection was taking Reese into the house since she was drunk. He saw flashes of him kissing Reese, but he wasn’t sure if it was real. The next was all a blur to him.

He remembered drinking, but he had a high tolerance for alcohol. The number of drinks he consumed should not have made him forget what happened.

The flashes in his head made more sense if he was with Reese. However, Brooklyn convinced him entirely. She said, “Sean, Reese got so drunk that she called you Aaron. I think she has a thing for Aaron and confessed her love to you by mistake! Haha! It was so funny! Anyway, you brought her to her room and returned to the party to get me.”

She gave him a flirtatious smile, saying, “And then you took my virginity. I didn’t want to give my first to anyone, but I think you are someone special, so that’s okay.”

Brooklyn kissed Sean and said, “I love you, Sean.”

Sean paused, still shocked by everything. He only reacted when Brooklyn said, “Aren’t you going to ask me to be your girlfriend officially? We already did it, and everyone knows we are casually seeing each other.”

Clearing his throat, Sean said, “Um. Yeah. I guess. I mean, I like you a lot, Brooklyn.”

Brooklyn smiled and concluded, “Then, it’s official. You and I are together.”



silent, his mouth hanging

he was taking it all in, Reese asked, “Sean, do you believe

did not remember, but I felt it

seeing you in the next few days,” Reese interrupted. “I saw you were enjoying her company, and then one evening, I was invited for a special dinner at your house where you had introduced Brooklyn to your

tears welled in her eyes. “I -1 couldn’t be that person to ruin everything for you,

in the later days, we paid the bills and left town.” Reese described. “My mom wanted a new life without having to remember the pain of losing dad so much, and I needed to

know how my drink was spiked until I met Anna again when working in Washington a year ago. My patient was her grandmother,” Reese revealed. “She must have felt guilty that she

I got hit. Plus, I was drinking a little, but you, Sean. You drank more than half

bringing me home. Anna’s grandmother referred me to another client here in Rose Hills. The pay was excellent, and so I took it. Mom was also okay to return. When the patient got better and no longer

that he only focused on the fact that something had happened

when his father arrived at the house. It distracted Sean from his conversation

at the accounting firm! Sean, take out all our investments.

I want to deal with this later. Reese and I are

Wendell is in it too! We need to address this ASAP!” Sherwin turned to Reeese, saying, “You

course, Uncle Sherwin.” She bashfully turned to Sean, saying, “I’ll

He turned to Reese, thinking he was missing something,

one of your investors, it’s best to discuss your decisions with him. He will be bringing his lawyer to help with the plans,”

his father was adamant


Sean, who appeared absentminded, and said, “Sean, I’m okay to lose the accounting firm. We can put our money elsewhere. I don’t want anything to do with Brooklyn.

nodded and said, “I’m sorry,


finalized their course of action at midnight. After that meeting, Sean had the chance to speak to Wendell about

you said you wound up having sex with Brooklyn, I was like, really?

drinks? That all made sense! It also made sense you brought her to your room since it was closer to the

Wendell said. “What will be the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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