The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 151

The CEO’s Ex-Wife Is A Famous Doctor By LiLhyz Chapter 151: Complete Isolation

Shantelle cried in the bathroom as she took a shower. After she checked herself in the mirror, her heart felt heavy.

Evan walked in and said, “Wifey, we already talked about this.”

The man wiped the tears on her cheeks and said, “Wash your face, Wifey.”

Shantelle nodded, and as she cleaned her face again, Evan stood behind her. When she turned to Evan, he held her face and said, “My wife, smile for Lucas. Make him feel like this is just a walk in the park. Then, you might want to put on a little makeup. He will know that you cried.”

She nodded and spent a few more minutes in the bathroom.

After Shantelle changed her clothes, she went to where Evan and Lucas were.

In the living room of their home, Lucas kissed Marcus’ cheek as Mrs. Shaw held the baby. Lucas said, “I’m going to miss you, Marcus. Thank you for your blood. I love you.” 1

Evan held Amelia, and Lucas did the same, pecking his sibling. He said,” I’m going to miss you too, baby Amelia. I love you.” i

At that point, all the adults were already wearing masks, including Shantelle and Evan. Wendell stretched his arms for Lucas, saying, “And hug your uncle! I’ll miss you, buddy, but don’t worry. We made your new home as fun as possible.”

Milan, who had stayed overnight at the couple’s home, also hugged Lucas. After letting go, Lucas said, “Aunt Milan, advance happy birthday. I have a gift for you later, but I won’t be there when you open it.”

“We will call you, buddy. At least you can see when your aunt opens the gift, ” Wendell said with a wink, and Lucas’ nodded.

All of Lucas’ grandparents also arrived, but before offering the boy a hug, they changed clothes and disinfected, just to ensure Lucas won’t get any more infection. After putting on their own masks, the grandparents alternately hugged Lucas and pecked his head. It was the safest place to kiss him. Lucas was no longer allowed a peck on the cheek.

Karise and Keith also came; just like Lucas’ grandparents, they had to change, disinfect, and wear masks to hold Lucas. Sean was the last to arrive, and he gave Lucas a warm hug. Sean said, “I’m going to give you a gift every week.”

“I’m going to give you a gift every week too,” Keith claimed.

“And me too!” Clara added, and the rest followed.

Lucas laughed and replied, “Okay, let’s schedule it. Mondays will be Uncle Wendell, Tuesdays will be Uncle Keith, Wednesdays will be Uncle Sean…”

way of scheduling the gift-giving created laughter in the air that the adults momentarily forgot the reason for that

every day too. You won’t see it now, but we will be on your TV screen,” Keith

be with me,” Lucas said while

we – all your uncles will be one call away,”

“Me!” Lucas claimed.

to you

their goodbyes, it was time for Lucas to leave with his parents. Knowing full well it would be months before seeing them again;


transfusion reliant from then on, and they couldn’t

a success, Lucas needed to be

unique isolation facility was prepared for admission at the Rose Hills Children’s Hospital.

room had a negative airflow chamber, lower than the usual air pressure. This prevents any contained air from flowing into other parts of the unit. The same room served as an entrance for doctors and nurses, including registered visitors. It also

However, Evan had arranged for him or Shantelle to stay with Lucas, alternately taking turns. This would mean that for the first two months of Lucas’ treatment, Evan would remain with his son. He was not allowed to leave to avoid contaminating any bacteria or viruses that could compromise Lucas. Shantelle would follow next. Miguel would serve as their runner for whatever Lucas and Evan would need in

which was the reason for Shantelle’s tears. She would miss her

boy, he chose Evan. That also worked out forthem since Evan could work

minimum of four months. He may

area where Evan and other visitors could change

inside the unit. When they entered, Lucas’jaws dropped. “My drum set! And my guitar! Woah,

is already here, along with your tablet,” Evan described. He turned

from your treatment,

demonstrated, and the TV searched for

was immediately on a voice call, and he chatted with Lucas briefly.” Hey, buddy! Loving your new

like I’m on vacation!”


Lucas said back with a

call, Lucas turned to the left-side corner of the space. He saw an arcade machine. He asked, “Is that what I

Evan revealed. “This is a gift from

a good therapy, too,” Shantelle said. “So when you

I think I’m going to have fun here!” Lucas

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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